Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Does your website have a lot of traffic but few sales?

It doesn’t help to have a lot of traffic to your website unless the traffic converts. If you have a lot of traffic, this means that you are doing something right outward, but not enough inward. This includes content, product, availability, and technical issues. If you hit all of these correctly, you’ll also notice that your conversion rate increases.

Not sure how? Read on to learn more about what you can do to increase sales on your website.

User Experience is Key

How does the user experience affect your website? A good user experience is important and can determine whether the user wants to stay on your site or not. 

Here, you should think about things like:

  • Is the website responsive?
  • Is it easy to navigate the website?
  • Is there a user-friendly search feature?
  • Is the content easily “digestible”?
  • Is there too much content or elements interfering?
  • Do you use the words effectively?
  • Does the user get the answers to what he / she is wondering?
  • Is the site self-explanatory?

A good tip would be to link your site to a Google Analytics account, which is where you can find valuable information about your visitors.

Is Your Website Slow?

A website that downloads too slow can have a severe negative effect, both on user experience, but also on search engine optimization (SEO). 

Google can choose to “penalize” web pages that don’t load fast enough because the search engine is constantly looking for the most optimized and user-friendly web pages for users. This way you can lose potential customers to your competitors.

Test your speed with the Google PageSpeed Insight tool, where you easily enter the URL you want to test.

A Simplified Check Out

If your business provides online services or products, you should simplify the check-out process as much as you can. This means 1 or 2 steps before the product or service is purchased. If the customer has to register an account in order to complete a purchase, this can cause the customer to change his mind. 

There may be an account option, but this must be optional. If there is a returning customer, a customer account would simplify the check-out at their next visit.

Another good option to simplify check-outs may be to offer an invoice option, which means that the customer does not have to fill in credit card information when checking out.

Language and Content

How is the content and language of your website? Does your website sound like your brand’s voice or is it misleading? 

Here, you may want to take a thorough grammar check as well as language check. By language, we mean how you choose to express yourself on your site. Feel free to garner inspiration from online journalism and write some catchy headlines and catchy texts.

A good tip might be to have a fun category text in addition to the product listing. These texts can also be search engine optimized in order to get more hits in Google.

How to write better: 

Analyze your customers and find an average definition of who your biggest audience is. Make sure your content hits the target audience. 

Contact Form

A contact form is a form of CTA (call to action), and makes it easier for the customers to contact you, and for you to get in touch with the customers. 

If your business sells consumer loans or other services that may leave a few questions with the customer, this may be a perfect way for them to contact you. 

Test and Adjust

And lastly: Don’t be afraid to get it wrong a couple of times. Try out different changes and feel free to adjust the content on the front page from week to week, or even every other day. Leave what works, and replace what doesn’t work you with something new. 

Keep track of your results through your preferred tools, such as bounce rate, overall visitor numbers, and conversion rate.

Now that you have gotten some great tips, you have a good starting point for increasing sales on your website. 

Good luck!

from Feedster https://www.feedster.com/sales-and-marketing/does-your-website-have-a-lot-of-traffic-but-few-sales/

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