Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Dog Training Tips for Busy Business People

Fast and furious lifestyles seem to be the norm nowadays – whether you’re a parent, a teacher, or a salesperson. However, with the ever-increasing demands of the modern workplace, business people seem to have it the most challenging. 

How Can a Pet Fit into Such a Busy Place? 

Yes, owning a dog would become another responsibility you have to tackle, but a highly rewarding one. It’s possible to train your pet and be a good owner even if you lead a hectic lifestyle.

You won’t need a training professional, either. Bond with your dog and learn to work as a team by following these simple pieces of advice. 

Step 1: Establish a Routine

As a busy person, you might already understand the importance of an effective daily routine. Besides including care in your schedule, remember that dogs need a system, too. Try to keep consistent feeding, exercise, and bonding times with your dog.

When it comes to training, regular sessions are vital. If you follow a schedule, you will put your pet in more ease, which will make them less restless – thus more comfortable to train, too. 

Step 2: Training

Training, if efficient, is much less of an obligation than it at first seems. Two to three sessions a week of 10-15 minutes each are enough if you go about your training in an informed way. 

Basic Obedience Commands 

Unless you bought an already-trained pet, you must teach it the necessary commands at the very beginning of the training. These commands set the foundation for whatever you do next and ensure your walks are a source of happiness, not stress. 

Basic commands include ‘sit’, ‘come’, ‘stay’, and ‘heel’. These must be enforced. Then, you can use one of two ways to train your dog – a reward system or a collar conditioning. 

Reward System 

The reward system relies on positive reinforcement. Many pet owners prefer this method, but remember, it’s slower than collar conditioning. Using this method, you provide continuous reinforcement. Each time your dog behaves well or obeys a cue you gave, it gets a reward. 

Afterwards, you implement an intermittent reward system. In other words, you gradually reduce the rewards for established positive behaviors.

Determine the type and size of your treats, depending on the size of the task your dog is learning. The most common rewards include toys, walks, cuddles, and food. 

Collar Conditioning

Collar conditioning is a handy technique with the foundation in negative reinforcement.

Dog training collars, known as electronic collars as well, help you control your dog. However, if you choose this method, go with the best dog training collar to ensure safety for your pet. 

Collar condition is straightforward. You give your puppy a weak shock to condition it against undesirable actions. The pet recognizes the collar as a part of their everyday routine, and the shocks as commands.

If this sounds inhumane, keep in mind that the shocks are simply an annoyance. You give them a negative sensation they associate with poor behavior, not pain.

The Bottom Line

Finally, be sure you want a dog before you start considering training methods to avoid mistreating and ignoring your future pet. If you are sure you want a puppy, get one and train it to make your dog-owning experience much more pleasant.

from Feedster

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