Sunday, February 23, 2020

Modern Employee Rewards for Your Modern Workforce

Employee rewards are commonly talked about as they are an excellent way of motivating your team to work smarter and be more productive with their methods.

However, many businesses fail to be creative with their rewards and rely on vouchers or cash to show their employees they are appreciated.

A cash top-up is always going to be well received but taking the moment to get to know your employees and what sort of thing makes them tick can help you find rewards that cater to their preferences.

In many cases, if you have a large workforce and cannot spare the resource to get around everyone’s individual interests, offer the option of a cash bonus or an additional day of annual leave.

You might be surprised in what your staff chooses, and this can help you tier rewards for the future, with cash bonuses up until a certain reward level achieved when an additional holiday day can be given.

Alternatively, reach out to a reward management company who can take the stress out of arranging team rewards and help you keep your employees motivated, learn more here.

For smaller teams, these modern-day rewards can soon bring a better atmosphere to the office.

Extra Special Kitchen Hamper

Tea and coffee in the kitchen of workplaces are standard. However, most places stick to supermarket own-brand coffee and staff either put up with it or bring their own stash.

When teams do well, consider upgrading the refreshment selection to one voted on by the staff with some additional treats in the way of fresh fruits, cereals, and healthy tasty snacks.

Get everyone involved and choosing their preferred tastes ahead of time so staff have a good understanding of what they are working for and feel involved in the decision.

This is great for team projects that require everyone to pull their weight without singling someone out.

Additional Break-Out Periods

Extra breaks are an excellent way of motivating employees to fulfill their duties to gain some additional relaxed time to spend with colleagues or chilling out while in the office.

Friday afternoons are a great time for an additional break-out or tools down rest and the week should provide enough time for every employee to get through their responsibilities.

Staff is still around during working hours and the stipulation would be that everything should be completed for the week before shutting down for the day.

This also provides teams some relaxed time to brainstorm different topics or explore different strategies.

Provide Leisure Activities

Depending on where your office is located, your employees might feel a bit bored and frustrated on their breaks if you are out in the sticks or slightly isolated.

Providing staff activities to enjoy on-site can do wonders for overall morale and help to spur motivation between teams.

Space-dependent, there are plenty of leisure activities available from pool and foosball tables to a games console and projector set-ups and even board games.

Talk to your employees about their favorite past times and provide some team opportunities to vote for preferred activities they would like to see in the office.

Access to Training and Courses

In the current economy, more people are expected to be able to handle multiple tasks and have several skills. Help your employees fulfill their personal development goals by providing access to training and courses as part of their rewards scheme.

Provide a choice but keep it tailored so the skills and experiences they gain can benefit both the individual and provide value to the business.

Access to courses may include taking a few workdays off to train so make sure you check the requirements for certain courses and make allowances for leave and travel, where necessary, so your employee doesn’t need to worry about anything.

Everyone wants to feel appreciated, especially when they are always working to the best of their ability.

Talk to your staff, find out if they feel appreciated and what allowances you can put in place to support your employees and help foster loyalty between you.

Remember, a salary is not a reward, it is an expectation and you shouldn’t use salaries in any way to motivate or punish employees or you’ll potentially face a very rapid staff turnover.

from Feedster

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