Sunday, July 26, 2020

Planning to Adopt End-to-End Encryption? Here Are Things You Need to Consider

If you are using WhatsApp, there’s a high chance that you have seen a message that tells you that the messages you send are secured with end-to-end encryption.

If you are like many other users, you might not have taken the time to understand what that means and whether you actually need it.

However, in today’s digital age, where more and more companies are collecting valuable data from their customers, it is important to ensure that stringent measures are put in place to ensure the data security of both the organization and its customers. 

So, how does encryption protect your data? What are some of the factors that you need to consider before deciding to adopt end-to-end encryption in your company? Well, read along and learn more.

How Can End-to-End Data Encryption Ensure Data Security and Privacy?

Ideally, end-to-end encryption works by blocking third-party users from accessing the data being transferred. For instance, in the case of WhatsApp, it is only the sender, and the recipient can see the message being transferred. Not even the app developers can view the message being sent.

In fact, this could explain why most people sending critical information to their recipients opts to use WhatsApp.

So, is the end to end encryption cloud the key that holds data security and privacy? To better understand this, let’s look at some critical aspects involving data protection, including:

  • Data Integrity: Aimed at ensuring that your data is not tampered or corrupted by adversaries.
  • Data Confidentiality: Prevents unauthorized persons from obtaining your information.
  • Access Control: Promotes the organization’s ability to manage, enforce, as well as update rules involving data access effectively.

Ideally, a well-formulated end-to-end data encryption service will help achieve the above issues. It will help protect your data by ensuring that only the approved users can access the information. This way, hackers will rarely have an opportunity to tamper with it.

Things to Keep in Mind Before Adopting End-to-End Encryption

Just like when doing any technical change in your company, you need to consider some things before using end-to-end encryption. They include:

Be Prepared

The process of implementing end-to-end encryption can be a daunting task, especially for the unprepared. Apart from the fact that it will require a lot of time, you will also need to have the required resources.

Among other things, you’ll need to train your team so they can understand how best to use the system appropriately.

Do Due Diligence

Before you choose any encryption service, it is important to remember that there are many encryption services under the end-to-end umbrella. As such, ensure to choose carefully to ensure that the encryption service you choose is the best for you.

Ensure You Are Legally Protected

Even with the best form of end-to-end encryption, there’s still a possibility of a breach happening. As such, it is essential to ensure legal protection in case the unlikely happens. 

Conduct In-Depth Research

Just like when choosing any other digital service, ensure to do your homework before choosing the E2EE provider. End-to-end data encryption involves many responsibilities and costs. Apart from taking your data security seriously, be sure to do your research carefully.

Among other things, ensure that the E2EE provider you choose is reputable. With data breaches becoming a common occurrence, it’s essential for business owners to ensure they get it right when choosing a data security provider for their company. This way, they can be sure that their data remains safe and secure.

Seek Advice from Experts

If you are unsure about how to go about choosing a reputable E2EE provider, don’t hesitate to seek expert advice.

Remember, a single mistake in your data protection strategy can put your whole business at risk. Consulting experts in that field will ensure that you get it right from the start.

Ensure that Nothing Bypasses the E2EE System

E2EE is designed to ensure that only the sender and recipient can view the content of the message. As such, not even the hackers nor the government can see the message.

Even so, you should ensure that there are no back doors that can affect how E2EE normally functions.

You Also Need to be Vigilant

While it’s true that end-to-end encryption can help protect your data when on transit, you should be alive to the fact that it doesn’t offer complete security. Your data can still be compromised when on your device or drive.

To that end, ensure to put measures in place to protect the data stored on the cloud, drive, or your device. Also, ensure to train your employees on the best security practices.

from Feedster

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