Wednesday, September 23, 2020

8 Ways To Get Your Company Out There

Whether you’re a successful company seeking to increase revenue or a new start up looking to find a customer base, marketing is essential to the success and growth of your company. The whole point of marketing is to connect you with the people who want to buy your product. To make this happen, it’s important to know what kind of people are looking for your product. First off, every product should fulfill a need.

Once that product is developed and ready to sell, all you have to do is find the people who it would benefit and let them know that it’s available. The last thing you want to do however is waste money on marketing and advertising to the wrong people. For instance, there’s no point in advertising a new gaming system to a grandma. You’d want to focus your efforts on teenagers and those with experience and interest in gaming already. So, here’s 8 ways to get your company out there; and hit the market you’ll profit by.

1.      Social media marketing.

There are literally billions of Facebook profiles. Hundreds of millions of people go on social media every day and connect with companies, people, events, and products. This is a great place to start if you haven’t already. Contact sites, pages, and groups with lots of followers and make your product known. You can also pay to have your ad pop up in people’s feeds as they’re scrolling. Because of the “cookies” that are collected when people search and spend time browsing the internet, the system already knows who is more likely to buy which item and will send your advertisement to their feed instead of just some random account’s.

2.      Storefront appearance.

This may seem strange to mention while talking about marketing, but a well-kept storefront is important. After all, that’s the customer’s first impression. If the store isn’t of good quality, they’ll develop a prejudice against whatever you’re trying to sell. Keep your storefront neat, clean, and professional.

3.      A professional website.

Your website should be easy to maneuver, professional in appearance, and show the product’s clearly. If it’s even slightly difficult to find the desired product and check-out, the customer will lose interest and you’ll lose a sale. Make the layout of the website such that the customer must make the least number of steps possible to buy one of your products. If this seems difficult visit Brandbay. They’re a website that specializes in marketing and website development. They can help you.

4.      Television and Radio Ads.

This is good exposure and a great way to show your product. It will be a little more expensive, but that’s because it has a greater reward and audience than many of the other sources. When doing this, pick a time and channel that you believe will provide the most exposure.

5.      Search Engine Optimization.

Also known as SEO. In a day and age when most shopping is done online, it’s important that your website and product appear when people search for them. Search Engine Optimization bolsters your website and funnels different google searches into your product. In other words, if people search for key words that have to do with your product, yours will come up before your competitors. This is crucial, because if we’re honest, customers hardly ever go to the second page of google. You want to be on the first page.

6.      Physical advertising.

This includes banners, fliers, sales, coupons, and billboards. All of these should be in reach and eyesight of passersby. If you buy a billboard, make sure it will be seen by as many people as possible. Send fliers and coupons in the mail. People love saving money and will come in if they feel like they’ll get a good deal on something. Even if you have to sell your product for a little less the first time, it will help to create a clientele and give you a customer base that will want to return.

If people feel happy in your store, they’ll want to come back. Also, find sponsors. High schools and Middle schools are constantly looking for sponsors. It’s usually pretty cheap and then your banner will be displayed at your point of choosing on their campus. If you’re selling something that would be appealing to teenagers, that’s your audience.

7.      Business Ventures.

Not everyone is your competitor. Find other businesses that might benefit from you selling your product in their store and vice versa. For instance, specialty shops will often venture with one another and send clients to one another if they don’t have the equipment, skillset, or time to get a project done but the other one does. Based on your target market, and product you’re trying to sell, explore a bit and find other companies that might be willing to either let you promote your company on their property, sell your product in their store, or mutually agree to share customers for the benefit of the two parties.

8.      Word of Mouth.

It cannot be stressed enough how important this one is. If a customer buys your product and is not happy with it, they will let others know. But inversely, if someone buys your product and is ecstatic by its performance or quality, they will let their friends know as well. I’m sure we can all recall a time where we either deterred one of our friends from a purchase, or promoted a product because we were happy with it.

So, to make sure the word of mouth for you is good, you need to have a good environment for the customer, professional and respectful employees, a no hassle or stressful environment, and a good product. Oh! And one of the best things about word of mouth is… it’s completely free.

Hopefully these 8 tips will help you in the future to market your product more efficiently and find the people who it will help.

The post 8 Ways To Get Your Company Out There first appeared on Feedster.

from Feedster

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