Monday, March 14, 2016

How to Get a Better Night’s Sleep

There’s no overstating how good a great night’s sleep can be. We all want to wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day. In order to do this, we have to get a decent amount of sleep the night before, and we have to get good quality sleep. There is a difference between sleeping soundly throughout the night, and tossing and turning all night, and you notice it right away when you wake up in the morning.

When we don’t get enough rest, we can find ourselves trying to take a nap anywhere that we can, and it makes the day harder to get through. So if you are someone who has been having trouble getting a good rest at night, here are some tips to help you out.

Turn off Your Gadgets

One common reason for poor sleep is that we do not allow our minds to shut off properly before going to sleep. This can be attributed to our use of gadgets such as our mobile phones, our tablets, our laptops, or even watching TV. The light from these devices sends signals to our brains and tells them that they need to be awake and alert. By using these things before bed, you are sending your brain mixed messages. To get a better night’s sleep, turn off all of these kinds of devices at least an hour before you want to go to sleep.

Get a Better Mattress

If the mattress you are sleeping on is uncomfortable, it may be causing you to toss around in the middle of the night without you even being aware. Waking up briefly to turn over at night will interrupt your sleep, and you may not even remember doing it in the morning. The key to being more comfortable and sleeping more soundly may be a better mattress. There are many kinds of mattresses these days, all with different features. There are even some mattresses that have personal comfort technology, which will adjust the bed based on your preferences. So if you are sleeping on an uncomfortable bed, do some research and see what else is out there for you.

Stay Away From Caffeine and Sugar

Just like lights from electronic screens can keep you awake, so can caffeine and sugar. Pay close attention to what you are eating and drinking before bed, and make sure that they are low in caffeine and sugar. It is important to not only avoid these things right before bed, but in the hours leading up to it as well. You want to give your brain enough time to slowly get tired, and having the wrong foods can keep your brain going longer than it should.


We recommend doing some stretches before bed. Stretching allows your muscles to loosen up, and will help your body to relax once it is in bed. Take about 10 to 15 minutes before bed to do some simple stretches. If you need some suggestions, here are some great stretches that you can do before bed.

Give Yourself Time

The most important thing to do when trying to sleep better is simply giving yourself more time to fall asleep properly. Don’t go from watching TV to trying to sleep in a matter of minutes. Give your brain time to wind down by staying away from electronics, eating the rights foods, doing some relaxing stretches before bed, and finally climbing into a comfortable mattress. If you can do all of this, you will hopefully start to notice a better night’s rest.

from Feedster

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