Monday, September 12, 2016

5 Proven Reasons You’re Unhappy Being Single (And How Not To Be)

There’s a general mindset in society that being single is empowering. You see single men and women in the media taking the world by storm; showing a partner isn’t necessary to accomplish great things. On the flipside, you often see movies and hear stories about the perfect man finding the perfect woman and they live their lives doing amazing things together- and that can get you down if you’re single. Is there something wrong with you?

Not in the least. The truth is many people have such emotions and it’s hard not to feel discouraged when there are happy couples all around you. Singles struggle to see the positives about being single and dwell on their loneliness. It’s natural to want to find a partner in life, and not having that can lead to a natural sadness.

Five Reasons Being Single Is Getting You Down

Science has shown that those who are single have unique health and wellness concerns that make them feel a little depressed and under the weather. It’s hard to be happy when your body isn’t receiving proper treatment and you’re facing health issues as a result. Here are five reasons you might be feeling a little down in the dumps about being single.

1. Increased Risk for Depression

A study shown in Health Psychology discovered that those without a partner were prone to pain, depression, and fatigue. Even adolescents feel the effects of depression when they’re shut out of cliques and other social groups. Being alone is mentally taxing. Some of the signs of depression include neglecting responsibilities, losing interest in things once loved, and experiencing a noticeable lack of feeling in emotional situations.

2. Serious Health Implications (Now and Later)

Study findings also reveal that those who are single are mysteriously more susceptible to illness. Their immune systems seem to be weaker, leading them to regular illnesses. There’s also greater risk of health problems down the road, including, but not limited to heart disease, dementia, and an early death. This is often the result of getting sub-par healthcare. Those in relationships often have partners pushing them to receive regular checkups and other health advice. Those who are single miss that distinct push toward wellness.

3. Less Exercise

Staying fit already takes major effort for the average American, and those who don’t have a partner struggle even more. A study performed in 2009 suggests that adults who are lonely have less drive to exercise. Working out is often a social activity, and without the push from a partner, it can be extremely difficult to engage. Since lack of exercise can lead to obesity and other serious health implications, this is a serious health concern.

4. Unrealistic Expectations

It’s hard to be happy when you’re holding on to expectations that you’ll never be able to fulfill. Many people cling to the ideology of a perfect partner, but perfection doesn’t exist. As a result, people often live lonely, unhealthy lives as they wait for the perfect person to appear. It’s hard to stay positive when you’re in love with an ideal.

5. Poor Confidence

Happiness is also directly correlated to your confidence. When you’re happy with yourself, you’re more likely to be happy by yourself. However, not everyone has innate self-confidence that tells them they can be content without a partner. As a result, they struggle to feel loved, both by themselves and by others.

5 Ways to Find Happiness as a Single Adult

There are a lot of ways unhappiness can handicap single life if you aren’t careful. But if you’re paying attention, you can recognize the signs and seek happiness in your own skin. Here are five ways that singles can seek happiness without a partner.

1. Look at the Positive

There are a lot of great things about being single: the financial freedom, the independence, the social life. Highlighting the good things helps you to recognize the joys of being single instead of dwelling on the negative.

2. Maintain Friendships

When you’re single, you can hang out with pretty much anyone and make some great friendships along the way. Nurture those friendships. Just because you don’t have a significant other doesn’t mean you’re alone.

3. Consider Your Options

When you’re not attached to someone else, you still have options. Think about the expansive pool of available singles still at your disposal. This will take some of the edge off.

4. Find Yourself

It’s much easier to be confident in your own skin when you’re not attached to someone else. Use your single days to explore your own interests. Discover what makes you happy so that when you’re in a relationship, you’ll know how to take care of you.

5. Generate Support

You’re not really alone, and finding a support group teaches you that. Cling to family and friends, feeding off their strength. Consider joining a club or a gym in order to build your group of friends and acquaintances who can help you see the joy in single life until you find that special someone.

from Feedster

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