Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Top 6 Ways to Manage Your Employees Effectively

If you’re new to running a business, learning to manage your employees can be hard to juggle along with everything else. There’s an art to management and if you lack experience in this area, taking some simple advice from those who have successfully managed a business for years is advisable.

Below, we’ve compiled some top tips from the best bosses to help you on your journey to managing your people much more effectively!

  1. Create an Open Communication Channel

Let your employees know that you’re always available to discuss anything work-related and open to receive any feedback or suggestions. This can be in person or via email–different people communicate better with different methods. Setting straight any problems should be done instantly to create a positive working environment. Happy people work hard so making sure morale is high in your workplace is paramount.

Gaining new perspectives on the business from the employees who work within it is an integral factor in growing your business. An open-door policy to your office is a good way to establish a positive, two-way relationship with your workforce.

  1. Get Attendance and Time-Tracking Software

Without tracking your employees’ projects and attendance, things can get messy and complicated when it comes to working out their pay. Nowadays, there are electronic ways to track timesheets and everything HR-related for your business.

SME Solutions time and attendance software, Employee Time Solution, makes it easy to track your employees’ timesheets, overtime and attendance, all in one place and without having to deal with piles of paper. It reduces the risk of human error when calculating hours, pay and holiday requests, and means your management team is free to concentrate on other tasks.

Best of all, it also provides peace of mind for your workforce with the knowledge that they’ll be paid accurately and on time.

  1. Offer Training Opportunities

Everyone wants to feel like they’re learning and progressing in their job. Education and on-the-job training benefits everyone and facilitates bonding. Whatever your business entails, setting aside just a few days per year to go on educational excursions or inviting a guest speaker to teach the team something new is a great idea. Managing a happy and united workforce who are all on the same page no doubt makes your job smoother.

  1. Managing Difficult People

In an ideal world, each of your employees would be happy in their role and work hard. Of course, this isn’t always the reality and managing some people can be a hard task. It’s highly unlikely and unrealistic that you’ll always get on with everyone you work with.

When problems do arise, as a manager it’s your job to look for constructive and fair resolutions to matters of contention with employees. Try not to center these resolutions based only on what YOU want. See the issue through their eyes and find out what they would like to see changed, to reach an equal settlement.

  1. Set Clear Job Objectives

People like to know exactly what’s expected of them and how to track their own progress. Setting out straightforward objectives for the whole team or individual goals according to each person is a great way to ensure everyone’s motivated, growing, and working towards your business goals. This way, it’s easy to track progress and allows you to create tangible data through which to identify any areas for improvement.

Knowing each of your employees’ strengths and weaknesses also come in very handy when it comes to task delegation–you need to know which project will be best fulfilled by the right people.

  1. Reward Good Work

Acknowledging great performance in your workplace is another sure-fire way to maintain motivation and make your employees feel valued. Where you notice that people could improve their work, go to them with constructive feedback rather than simply pointing out what they’re doing wrong. Rather than being the boss who’s always aggressive, nit-picking and pointing out flaws, be the one who recognizes achievement and is grateful for their team’s work.

from Feedster

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