Thursday, May 30, 2019

4 Easiest Methods to Balance Your Hormones

Hormones control many essential functions in our bodies, including contractions of heart muscles, sexual activity, homeostasis, and metabolism, among others. The human body has about 50 hormones which carry out diverse functions.

The entire endocrine system works in a coordinated way to ensure that the level of hormones circulating in the body is controlled.

However, hormones are sometimes secreted irregularly – either too little or too much of it. This is known as hormonal imbalance. Hormonal imbalance can be caused by natural events such as perimenopause, menopause, and puberty.

Other factors that may trigger hormonal imbalance include living unhealthy lifestyles and toxins introduced into your body. Understanding the causes and symptoms of hormonal imbalance can enable you to find ways of preventing it or treating.

Why is it hard to lose weight after 50?

Many doctors are often approached with the questions of why women over the age of 50 have difficulties losing weight. Well, there are several answers to this question:

Inadequate sleep – According to Prevention, people over the age of 50 often experience sleep disturbances than those below this age. Insufficient sleep leads to a reduction in the production of the human growth hormone, which is responsible for the buildup of muscle mass and bones. It encourages the multiplication of fat cells.

High-stress levels – Mid-life comes with a load of responsibility from raising your kids to warming up for retirement. High-stress levels trigger an overproduction of the stress hormone known as cortisol, which may be stored as fat cells in the body.

Reduced rate of metabolism – As you age, the rate of metabolism reduces meaning that the body is not converting much food into energy, which ends up being stored as fat deposits.

Loss of muscle – You will notice a quick loss of tissue when you hit 50, which results from reduced metabolism. Fat will take the place of muscles when this happens.

Eating more than you need – If you haven’t retired at 50, you are possibly counting days. You have so much spare time, which you might be tempted to use eating unnecessary stuff.

Being overweight is a significant factor leading to problems in hormone balance. Other causes include:

  • Underactive or overactive thyroid
  • Endocrine gland injury
  • Type 1 and type 2 diabetes
  • Birth control medications
  • Exposure to pollutants and toxins

Effective and secure methods to balance your hormones

Understanding the symptoms of your issues in abnormal hormone balance will enable you to find the correct treatment options. These symptoms include:

  1. Infertility
  2. Reduced sex drive
  3. Depression
  4. Change in blood pressure
  5. Difficulty sleeping
  6. Excessive sweating
  7. Unexplained weight loss or weight gain

The big question in your mind if you are experiencing hormonal imbalance is the question of how you can balance your hormones. Here are four practical steps that have proven effective in restoring hormone balance in the body.

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Human Growth Hormone Therapy(HGH) is a procedure that may be prescribed by your doctor to restore your hormone balance.

HGH therapy has proven and effective in reducing body fat, increasing muscle mass, and enhancing metabolism eventually controlling hormones in the body. More information about how to get HGH prescription you can find here:

High-Intensity Exercise

The right kind and amount of exercise can positively balance your hormones. Exercise boosts hormones such as the growth hormone and insulin.

Correct diet plan

Replace your carbs with foods that are high in short, medium, and long-chain fatty acids. These fats promote weight loss, boost metabolism, and keep hormonal levels in check.

Sleep more and better

Sleep will help your body to recover from the day’s stresses, build up energy, and keep the stress hormone balanced. Sleep for 7-9 every night, as National Sleep Foundation recommends.

from Feedster

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