Friday, August 23, 2019

6 Ways a Customer Identifies Your Brand

Your brand is the representation of everything that makes your company unique. It’s a concise and comprehensive representation of all the good stuff that your company has to offer to your target market. It seems like branding is so often done wrong. This can be traced to a few key problems. The first is that people often misunderstand branding. They think that it’s limited to a good logo and a color scheme, or that it’s all about making your website look good. While having great design pieces is a crucial part of branding, it’s far from everything. Creating a stellar brand that truly speaks to your target market is about crafting a cohesive message that can’t be misunderstood. In other words, the message that your logo is communicating should be the same message that your print advertisements communicate. It should also be the same message that your customer service or retail employees communicate. From your website to your packaging to ad copy, everything that your customer base interacts with should look and feel familiar. With that in mind, below are seven common ways that customers identify your brand.

1. Logo

Perhaps the most obvious example, and still one of the most important. Creating a good logo is more than just making it look pretty; it’s about carefully selecting elements that precisely communicate the things that it needs to. Making a professional logo with a logo creator is only the first step. You need to make sure that all of the other branding pieces in your arsenal line up with each other.

2. Website

If your logo is the elevator pitch, your website is like a nice, long conversation. It should be one of the most robust representations of your brand and what it has to offer to your customers. Web design is extremely important; there’s nothing that makes a company seem unprofessional like a poorly-designed website.

3. Copywriting

Did you know that your brand has a voice? Your brand voice describes the way that your brand communicates through any text medium. That can include the things that you write on your website like blog posts and headings, copy found in advertisements, and many other mediums. This also includes social media posts. A good way to discover your brand voice is to ask “If my brand was a person, how would it talk?” How does your brand speak with and interact with its customer base? Don’t be afraid to inject some personality into this aspect of your brand.

4. Color Palette

The color choices that you make will determine much of the emotional response that your brand creates. It’s important to be intentional in the way that you choose colors for your brand. They will be the undercurrent of everything that you produce and will speak volumes for the type of company that you are and the type of customers that you attract.

5. Storefront

If you have a physical storefront, this will be an obvious way that your customers will experience your brand. Physical storefronts are powerful representations of your brand that your customers can physically experience. Because of this, it’s important to make sure that your storefront design and experience isn’t an afterthought. How do your employees interact with your customers? What is the first thing that a customer’s eyes are drawn to? What makes your store worth going into besides your product or service? All of these questions should be at the forefront of your mind when it comes to making decisions regarding your store.

6. Packaging

Packaging allows customers to experience your brand with their tactile senses. There is no reason to follow the crowd when it comes to packaging. If you want your brand to stand out, your packaging must follow suit. It’s worth it to spend a little extra money designing and purchasing materials for truly unique packaging. After-purchase materials like thank-you cards can also help your packaging to stand out to your customers.

Can you think of more ways that a customer might identify your brand? All of these are important and should ideally work together to create a unique experience for the customer. If it’s done right, your brand will truly stand out.

from Feedster

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