Monday, August 3, 2020

How To Reach The Busiest C-Level Decision Makers And Grab Their Attention

The practice of using cold email templates has become more and more popular over the last few years. This is because they are billed as an easy way to learn how to craft effective cold emails that get results. That is true but to some extent the question becomes, why are so many people still getting minimal results even with cold email templates? This is because they are most probably using them wrong!

Cold email marketing is about more than just writing professional emails. Believe it or not, there is a science involved in writing the most effective cold emails that are guaranteed to give you positive results. It also helps if you have a basic understanding of how people think and what they like!

There is a fine line between reaching out in an authentic way – an approach that guarantees success – and crafting emails that seem spammy at first glance. Remember, a first glance is all you are likely to get. Think about this: high-level executives typically receive at least 90 emails during each workday. No one, especially very busy individuals, has the time or desire to go through that much communication while fielding unexpected “spam” at the same time.

Therefore, it is up to you to know how to make your cold email stand out from the crowd. While that can be very tough to do, it will get easier as long as you have the right tools to guide you. How do we know this? Because many people have been able to build wildly successful businesses, websites, and even careers by using cold email.

First step: Research

Take a minute and look up the prospect online. Did their company do something recently? Did the prospect? Did their quarter just end? Did their local sports team just win? Find something relevant to them and include it in your email prospecting.

Steps to take:

  • Check your CRM system
  • Check the company website: About Us, Careers / Open Positions, News, Blog.
  • Social channels
  • Company updates

After this, you can personalize and tailor your message to the prospect appropriately and effectively.

Second step: Write a clear and concise email

Write a clear, concise, and personalized email. Your cold email should incorporate these aspects:

  • Clear introduction
  • Reason for emailing
  • Clear value proposition
  • The offer
  • Call-to-action
  • Appropriate email signature

In Cheril Clarke’s post, The Trick to Reaching Even the Busiest C-level Decision Makers, she states that one novel way of grabbing someone’s attention is to include a visual. “Make it unique. Offer a visual. Resumes are boring, so give your reader something delightfully unexpected to compel them to stay with you. This surprise can be a simple but vibrant website or infographic that tells your story (and how you can help solve their problems).”

There are also other ways to craft an effective cold email. Make sure that you:

  1. Use correct headers.
  2. Use the recipient’s first name.
  3. Make it relevant to the recipient.
  4. Don’t talk about yourself too much.
  5. Don’t use obviously copy-pasted text.
  6. Add your contact info to the signature.

Third step: Write the cold email subject

Writing this last may seem counterintuitive, but your cold email subject line should reflect what is in the message’s body. Working on the subject line first can make the rest of your email biased, making you leave out important information.

The goal of any cold email subject line is to entice the recipient to open and read the first line in the message, which is where you are reaching out to connect. In the end, this approach will create a seamless flow that will hook your prospect in until the end of the email. Your cold email subject line should be seven words or less.

Fourth step: Send your email at the right time

In one study, the top sales stat was that most emails are opened at the end of the workday, peaking at 3pm. Mailchimp found that the majority of emails are opened between 2pm – 5pm which means sending your email in the morning can jeopardize your chances of reaching your recipient, getting lost in the clutter of their inbox. Similar to the best time to call, see what works best for you and where you get the most success.

Last step: After pressing send, always follow up

Always schedule a follow-up email after clicking send so you don’t forget. On average, it takes at least 5 follow-ups after the initial contact before a customer says yes. Studies show that 92% of salespeople give up after four “no”s, but 80% of prospects say “no” four times before they say “yes.” So, following up is crucial to implementing your cold outreach email strategy.

Cold emailing is a practice that a number of companies and individuals adhere to, and it’s easy to see why. You can reach a significant number of people all at once with the click of a button and do so in a way that very clearly communicates what your company does, and why prospects should care. Remember, no one has the perfect formula for cold outreach. The key is to try different methods and techniques and see what works and doesn’t work. And revise your cold outreach strategy accordingly. With every outreach, always keep top-of-mind how important personalization is. Try to always warm up your cold emails and cold calls with personalization and you’ll find success in your cold outreach strategy in no time.

from Feedster

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