Friday, March 29, 2019

How To Improve Your A/B Testing

Mastering the process of A/B testing is a necessary part of attaining success as a modern marketer, but it’s much easier said than done. Comparing two different webpages, email campaigns, products, or landing pages to one another is never a breeze, but if your company can’t determine what works and what doesn’t before rolling something new onto the market then it’s simply destined for failure. Isn’t there a reliable way to improve A/B testing without breaking the bank?

As a matter of fact, a number of tips exist to help you improve your A/B testing at little additional cost to your business. Here’s everything you need to know about becoming an A/B master.

A/B testing and personalization go hand in hand

A/B testing is immensely useful, yet by itself it seldom accomplishes what most business owners need it to. That’s because A/B testing and personalization go hand in hand, and if your company isn’t combining the two then it’s likely making a deadly mistake that’s going to cost you big in the long-run. Traditional A/B test that compare two different products or options are oftentimes too generic to be useful in the contemporary marketplace, which demands specificity and data-driven personalization efforts in exchange for success. That’s why you should be tapping into the power of modern tech to combine personalization and A/B testing for a whole new sort of testing experience.

You should learn how to incorporate personalization into your A/B testing and begin running more personalized experiments as soon as possible. The real world is simply too messy and complex to act as if it’s as sterile as a laboratory experiment, so a generic A/B test that treats personalization as an unimportant facet of the testing process is bound to fail sooner rather than later. Start by identifying the most important segments of your target audience and running niche experiments that test products or services specifically catered to their whims. If you are doing a local targeted campaign, such as video production Toronto, then focus on one city in your testing. From there, you’ll likely discover new and exciting avenues of exploration for when the time comes to further personalize your testing operations.

Segmentation is often said to be the real secret to success when it comes to A/B testing strategies, so it’s worth pouring over the details of segmenting your audience if you’re unfamiliar with the practice. While A/B testing is no silver bullet that will magically solve your company’s problems, it will go a long way towards determining which strategies you should avoid like the plague. Segmenting also helps ensure that you’re not wasting money but are instead testing with a purpose, as every penny your business spends should be spent wisely.

Know what the experts avoid

Another way to improve your A/B testing is to learn what the experts avoid so you don’t end up making a simple mistake. Using too many variations to keep track of is a common mistake made by newcomers to A/B testing, for instance, and the ever-present error of ignoring cultural differences in markets is something you should know about if you don’t want to succumb to it yourself. Reviewing the common errors of A/B testing is like knowing which stepping stones are slippery and which are safe before you try to cross a tumultuous river.

You should also know that experts avoid generic testing practices that are unmoored from their specific industries. Business owners should be determining their A/B testing durations on the basis of their business cycle, for instance, as knowing when’s the proper time to invest in testing and when you need to hold back is an important part of not wasting your limited capital reserves. Similarly, testing a product too early or late in its development cycle hamstrings its ability to perform well in testing, so be sure that you’re not comparing unripe apples to rotten oranges.

Learn to listen to your results

Finally, it’s important that you actually listen to the results of your A/B testing rather than running an additional test when things don’t go your way. Despite the fact that you may be cheering for a certain product, service, or marketing campaign to perform well on an A/B test you need to understand that personal preferences and gut instincts should bow down before data-driven insights. Refusing to listen to your results seems silly, but countless companies waste money on expensive A/B testing that’s ultimately fruitless because it produces results that management or senior authority figures don’t agree with.

If you’re serious about tapping into the power of data, then commit yourself to listening to it even and especially when it’s telling you that you’re in the wrong. After all, what else are A/B tests for if not to alert decision-makers that they’re on the right or wrong path? Focus on improving your A/B testing and your business will soon be churning our superior products and services that are statistically-proven to succeed with consumers.

from Feedster

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