Monday, March 11, 2019

Preparation Equals Success: The Importance of Having a Backup and Disaster Recovery Plan

Over 43 percent of the downtime and data loss experienced by small businesses each year is caused by hardware failure. Instead of waiting until disaster strikes to take disaster recovery planning seriously, now is the time to act.

The first step in creating an adequate disaster plan is finding the right online data backup solutions. By backing up your data via the cloud, you can get through disastrous situations like a network crash or ransomware attack with ease.

Before you decide on which online backup system to use, be sure to consider how secure the system in question is. Even if you have to pay a bit more for a system with iron-clad security, it will definitely pay off in the long run.

The following are some of the reasons why having a backup and disaster recovery plan is essential for every small business on the planet.

Hackers Aren’t Picky When It Comes to Stealing Data

One of the biggest mistakes you can make as a business owner is abiding by the “it won’t happen to me” philosophy when it comes to data hacks. Cyber-criminals want any type of data and they don’t care what type of business they are getting it from.

Whether you own a law firm, medical practice or a gas station, all of the data you collect needs to be secured. The best way to offer this security is by establishing an online backup of each of the files. Once you have done this, work on developing a plan in the event of a disaster. While this planning may seem pointless now, you will be happy you have it in the event of a data hack, natural disaster or a network outage.

Protecting Against Computer or Mobile Device Failure

Some business owners get so used to their computers and mobile devices working correctly that they fail to prepare for hardware failures. Eventually, the computers you rely on will let you down, which is why you need to be prepared.

Backing up all of the files on your devices and computers can help you deal with outages with ease. If the hardware on one of your machines fails, you can get a new one and load all of your files on it in a matter of hours.

Are you unsure about how to establish a cloud-based backup? If so, working with IT professionals is a good idea. With their guidance, you can get this system in place quickly and correctly.

Preventing the Damage Caused By Human Error

Regardless of how well you think you have trained your employees, they are bound to make mistakes. Accidentally deleting important files or downloading viruses via email attachments can bring your company’s computer network to a grinding halt. Without a backup in place, you may lose important data due to these human errors.

The money you invest in an adequate cloud-based backup system will pale in comparison to what you will lose without it. Human error is unavoidable, which is why you need to work on reducing the damage these errors cause when they occur.

Downtime Affects Your Bottom Line

If you are like most business owners, one of the main concerns you have is keeping productivity levels high. When network crashes happen, it will affect productivity levels greatly. Instead of losing money due to excessive downtime, you need to work on getting a backup and disaster recovery strategy in place. With a bit of professional guidance, you can iron out the details of this strategy with ease.

The time and effort you invest in creating a backup and disaster recovery strategy will definitely pay off in the long run. Allowing IT professionals to assist you during this process can help you avoid costly mistakes.

from Feedster

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