Monday, August 29, 2016

6 Ways Your Small Business Could Be More Organized

Disorganization can tear down a small business, and if your business doesn’t have clear organization, it will be almost impossible to get off the ground running. The purpose of a business is to solve problems, and companies often get so caught up in developing solutions for their customers that they often forget to take care of themselves.

But companies who ignore the importance of organization experience consequences. In fact, according to statistics, organization is vital for success. Their survey showed that 83 percent of survey respondents believe an organized office is directly related to profitability and productivity. Seventy-five percent of those respondents said that disorganization in the workplace directly hurts employees.

Productivity begins to dip and companies have a harder time staying on their feet when the office experiences chaos. It’s past time to evaluate your business and make some changes, but first you have to diagnose your problem.

Here are some of the top reasons why companies struggle with organization.

1. Your employees have unclear guidelines

Every company needs to have a clear employee manual that outlines policies and procedures. This improves collaboration, communication, and company morale. When expectations are clearly outlined for employees, companies can avoid misunderstandings and errors.

Mistakes will start to diminish because employees will better understand their responsibilities. Additionally, they’ll recognize the consequences for failing to carry out their duties, resulting in higher quality of work across the board.

2. You’ve taken decision-making power away from your teams

When people are granted the power to make decisions within the corporation, they’re more interested in keeping things running smoothly. Additionally, it takes much of the pressure off management. Big decisions shouldn’t be made by a single person – they should have team input. This speeds up the decision making process, as well as instills a sense of ownership throughout the entire team.

3. There’s no solid business strategy

It seems obvious that every business should begin with a solid plan, but not all businesses make this a priority. Businesses often make a loose plan in the beginning, but fail to carry it through as time goes on. The rules become more like suggestions, and employees struggle to stay on the same page.

Clearly outline your business strategy and make sure everyone has the appropriate material. Make goals clear and ask for input about achieving milestones. Also, continually update the strategy, in order to keep it relevant.

4. You’re still using paper and filing cabinets

Paper is finally petering out of the business industry. Instead, cloud storage is on the forefront. You can save client information, financial data, and other records on the web – all without a need for paper. Emails can also be sent rather than paper documents, and file cabinets can and should be eliminated. You’ll save money and your office will eradicate a lot of needless clutter.

5. Clutter is taking over the office

Employees work better when their desks are well organized and neat. It’s easier to focus and be productive when there’s no clutter. In fact, research from Princeton University shows that productivity is directly correlated with one’s working environment. Study participants who worked in a messy office had a harder time focusing on the task at hand than those who worked in a clean environment.

If you can’t remember the last time your desk was free of debris, it’s time to mandate clutter removal in the office. File and discard papers, organize drawers, and disinfect the surface for a smooth finish.

6. Your software is out of date (or missing)


Do you use all of the software available to you? Is the software you’re using up to date? Oftentimes, offices make do with less efficient processes because they’re unaware of software solutions that can make procedures easier.

Additionally, it’s easy to forget to update your existing software. When software isn’t updated, it can open the door to significant security threats.  Software companies often release patches and updates that fix glitches, improve security, and develop the function of the software. Regularly check for updates to make sure things are running smoothly.

Never underestimate the power of organization in a business. If disorganization reigns in the office, productivity and efficiency will not. Practicing decluttering and developing organizational policies in the office can make all the difference.


from Feedster

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