Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Tips to Get More Production out of Yourself at Work

The name of the game in all businesses is production whether it is a sales staff member or a customer service agent. High production numbers do not go unnoticed as many employers base promotions totally on numbers rather than other intangibles. This could be because they don’t want any conflict if someone was passed over a promotion or they know those who produce can lead a team at their company. A small boost in production on a daily basis can make a huge impact on the monthly and quarterly numbers.

Use That Paid Time Off

Production slumps can happen when a person feels burned out or hasn’t had any time away from work in a while. Instead of having your paid time off roll over to the next year, use it ASAP if you are in a production slump. The time off could be a staycation or you could take a vacation to somewhere you’ve always wanted to visit.

Travel plans have never been easier to set up as there are multiple deals for nearly every location. Find a hotel even in the downtown area of your city if you don’t want to go too far and recharge your batteries. The rejuvenation that time off brings an employee is unmatched so use this to your advantage.

Have a Written Agenda for Each Day

An agenda is great to have for the day as it allows a person to stay on task. The agenda should be written out the day before as most people know what they have to do the next day. This will keep you from forgetting to jot something down the next morning as well as give you a great idea of how your day will look.

Plan your most difficult tasks during times when there are the least distractions. For many people that is early in the day or very late in the day. Time how long it takes you to do these tasks so you can have a schedule associated with your daily agenda.

Turn off Your Smartphone or Only Look During Established Breaks

Smartphones can be devastating to production as people get sidetracked often and lose their train of thought. Something as simple as a text that contains a link can lead a person to minutes or longer of surfing. Over the course of a normal work week there are billions of dollars lost each day because of distraction caused by technology.

Turn off your smartphone at work or only use it during your breaks. Write down how you are producing today then look at your numbers after your smartphone is shut down, the difference might be amazing!

Exercise Before Work

Production numbers for many people in the morning can be quite low as it takes them a few hours to get into the groove of things. This can be a killer on production as the afternoon can be full of distractions. Many meetings and client calls are scheduled for the afternoon so this can take time out of everyday tasks that have to be completed.

Exercising before work will leave you alert during your peak production hours in the morning. For those lucky enough to have a company gym you should show up to work a little early and get in a workout in order to set your day up for success.

As you can see there are plenty of little things that can make a huge difference over the course of a month. You owe it to yourself to see how high you can climb on the corporate ladder. A few of these tips could end up leading to a promotion which can be life changing financially. Being a production juggernaut and it will not go unnoticed by your managers!

from Feedster

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