Thursday, April 11, 2019

4 Ways to Get Your Startup’s Prototype off the Ground

You’ve been working on your startup idea for a while. You have the plans all mapped out, and you might even have a product in the works. Now comes the hard part. How do you get your prototype off the ground? How do you successfully attract investors and get people excited about what you have to offer?

In a world where most startups fail, it pays to be proactive. The good news is that today’s technological advancements make it easier and more affordable to create custom prototypes that wow your audience. How do you actually make the transition from the planning stages to actually prototyping? Try these ideas below to launch in no time.

1. Build a Network Early

There’s a stigma in the startup world that you can’t start attracting investors until you have a prototype. While it’s entirely true that having a working prototype makes the process easier, that doesn’t mean you can’t start rapport building before your product is officially in your hands.

You already know that 90% of startups fail. What are you going to do about it? Simply put, you can’t sit around and wait for investments to fall in your lap. You can build awareness about your project by networking in advance of the time you’re ready to make your pitch. That way, when you do have your prototype, you already have these relationships to rely on.

2. Design a Mockup

Mockups are a simple thing you can build before your prototype. If you’re working with a physical or digital product, you need a sample to work with. It’s okay if your mockup is simple or seems homemade. It’s a great way to get real-life feedback from experts since you finally have something to show your audience. This is the time to perfect your ideas before you create a prototype.

3. Have a Landing Page

Do you have a place on the web for your audience to go to if they want to learn more about your project? Where are you directing potential investors? This is especially important if you’re looking to find success by crowdfunding.

A landing page is a specific page you direct interested users to in order to share more information. You’ll want to be specific to your project, and you might even offer a pre-sale for interested buyers or investors. Be sure to collect users information so you have a ready-to-go email list for when you do launch your product.

4. 3D Printing Prototyping

The best way to affordably create your prototype is with 3D printing. Finding the right prototyping services business can be hard, but with 3D printing, you have more options than ever. 3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, is a way to make customizable products without having to rely on mass production.

You no longer have to rely on traditional manufacturing methods of the past. Not only were these expensive and time consuming, but they made it hard to add customizations and special features. Now, you can have your prototype faster than ever thanks to 3D printing.

Creating a Successful Startup

As you know, startups don’t come easily. You need to put in the work both before and after the production of your prototype to keep your dream alive. While having a working prototype makes it easier to secure funding and market your product, don’t feel limited by this timelines.

As we explored above, there are a number of reasons why it’s smart to promote your product and network with other investors before your prototype is in your hands. In addition, the more testing you can do before producing a prototype, the less expensive it will be since you’ll need fewer revisions. Finally, when it’s time to produce your prototype, choose additive manufacturing which is more affordable and accessible than ever.

Are you ready to launch your startup? Getting your startup off the ground doesn’t have to be impossible. Start with these steps above and the sky is your limit.  

from Feedster

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