Thursday, April 18, 2019

Why It’s a Good Idea To Learn How To Build Your Own Website In 2019

A massive part of running your business is about making sales, a profit and continue growing it to make it a huge success. A key component to making this success happen is having your own website.

A business that doesn’t have a website is missing out on vital sales and potential clients because there is a lack of trust that surrounds your company if you can’t be found online.

Many people like to know who you are as a company and the easiest way to find this out is to look online in their free time, which can quite often be late in the evening or late at night.

By having a website, you are available 24/7 and can compete with other businesses and prove that people should be using your business over someone else’s.

So how do you go about doing this?

The simple answer is; build it yourself. Don’t panic; making a website in 2019 has never been easier! Even someone who has never done anything like this before can do it successfully.

If you’re worried about this being an enormous cost for your business, you’d be wrong. Building your own website can be stress-free, cost-effective, as well as easy to do if you know what you’re doing. This guide should help you with just that, and soon you’ll be looking at your new website and raking in sales. 

Why Do It Yourself?

Compared to hiring a professional such as a freelancer or web design company, choosing to make a website yourself will see lots of benefits for both you and the business. As the owner of your business, no one knows more about it than you.

After all, you founded it and can see the kind of impact you want to make in the industry compared to someone from outside the business. While it may just be more comfortable and more time efficient to pass the buck to someone else to make your website, you shouldn’t dismiss the idea.

Taking the time to learn how to make a website yourself will enable you to control every little thing about it and continue to make your business the one you want it to be.

You Have The Power

As mentioned previously there is no one else that knows the business as you do. You are the creator, and so when it comes to deciding the style, color and vibe you want, you can make it exactly the way you want it to be.

You haven’t got somebody trying to influence your decision about making it a particular way which doesn’t reflect your business. The whole point of you becoming a business owner was that you wanted to be in charge, why should your website be any different?

You Can Dictate Your Time

While making a website might seem like a massive amount of work, remember to look at this strategically. As when you came up with your business plan, think about what you want to achieve from having this website and how you can do this effectively.

It will involve some excellent time management, which you already should be good at if you are running your business. Some things to consider are:

  • Website content: Make sure you take the time to write the content for the website focusing on getting across your brand, who you are and what you are about. Your content is just as important as the website functionality itself.
  • Use photographs effectively: Having great pictures on your website will immediately boost how good it looks so invest a reasonable amount of time to taking your own images from around the office or workplace or recruiting someone from inside the business to help you out.
  • Something like this will be vital in securing those extra customers. If you could take some photos of your team at work, this will show exactly the kind of business you are. It shows you are real and could be potentially lost if you hire someone to build the website for you.
  • Brand: You should take into consideration your brand when you are making your website, but given that you will have created the brand the first time around, turning it into a website should be easy if you have a solid plan in place and the knowledge of your business.

Save Money

Although you will need to dedicate a lot of time to make this website yourself, one of the positives to doing so is the fact that you will be saving money because you are not outsourcing the job to someone else who could charge a lot.

This is the best solution for someone, especially if you are tight for money at the moment. If this is the case, building a website yourself is a positive step to making more money because you can reach more customers on a much wider field, not just in your local area. 

Acquire A New Skill

If you are someone who is continuously looking to expand their knowledge and skill set, building a website is the perfect opportunity to do just that. If you are feeling brave enough, you could take the time to learn how to make a website using code.

Doing so should open a whole new world for you, and you never know, you might discover a hidden talent you have in making websites. Something you wouldn’t have found if you haven’t taken the time to do it yourself, this benefit will see yourself growing as a person individually as well as your business.

If you’re not a particularly creative person, building a website is your chance to change this, for example, you could take the time to understand how color schemes work.

Learning how and why SEO is so crucial for your website is another valuable insight that you will be thankful you took the time to learn about.

It’s Easy To Do

Thanks to the technology that exists nowadays, your life is made a whole lot easier when it comes to running your business. The same can be said for building a website.

You no longer need to learn and understand code to make a functional working website; instead, there are now website builders, such as Wix, Squarespace, and WordPress that will provide you with a template that you can easily drag and drop photographs and text into.

Most of them will offer different benefits such as free domain and hosting to unlimited pages and free plugins that will come in handy when you come to make your website.

There are plenty of templates for you to choose from that will make your business look professional, but these can be slightly altered to ensure that you stand amongst other companies that use this.

Most importantly, the best thing about making a website yourself is the self-accomplishment from doing so, and what you have learned about yourself during the entire process.

Nowadays it is all too easy to pass the problem to someone else, but by giving yourself this challenge, you should come out a changed person and business owner for the better.

Even if you decide that you haven’t got the time or skills to build it yourself, by learning the steps and what is involved in making a website, when you give the responsibility to someone else, you are still aware of precisely what they are doing and why they are doing what they are doing.

from Feedster

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