Saturday, January 4, 2020

How To Become A Better Friend This 2020?

A friend is a person who can make a life of another person more colorful, who can see a glass half full rather than half empty, and who knows what to do in a moment of despair.

There’s no more significant gift than a gift of knowledge about how to be a good friend as it requires hard work, motivation, and sacrifice on a daily basis.

Scientists define friendship as the interpersonal chemistry based on the “instant emotional and psychological connection between two individuals” (Campbell et al.).

Therefore, an individual who can feel the emotional and psychological attraction toward another person he or she met in a particular setting can consider the last one as a friend.

It also takes a lot of effort to save the friendship and make it stronger amidst various life challenges.

Becoming a Better Friend

To become a better friend, one must develop feelings of empathy and trust, be able to encourage under challenging circumstances, and have mutual interests with another person.

A good friend must possess a skill of empathy and be able to apply it to another person whom he or she considers as a friend.

The best friend can feel what the other friend is going through on a deep level of understanding and knows accurately what he or she is experiencing in that exact moment (Friedman).

Therefore, in order to develop a better understanding between two independent individuals who have the emotional and psychological connection, both should be attentive listeners, supportive, and avoid judgemental behaviors (Degges-White).

Why Listening is Important

It’s challenging to sit on the chair or sofa in a cozy apartment and listen to another person for long hours without even a coffee break.

But that what it takes to prove a person what is a perfect friend and prove that listening is one of the best ways to show empathy in the moment of despair.

By listening attentively, a person provides support which is also essential when a friend does not know what to do next in his or her life after a specific course of events.

Moreover, a person should never be judgemental and point out that the actions of a friend were a reason for failure.

Once friends empathize with each other in frames of complicated situations, they can promote their relationships to the next level that involves trust.

Developing Trust, Honesty, and Loyalty

The development of trust between two individuals is a complex procedure that requires them to share private information with each other and never use it for hostile purposes no matter the course of events during the lifespan.

The best friend is the one who can keep the most concealed fears and dreams of his or her friend in the vault of secrets and never unleash them for the public knowledge or use them to hurt him or her (Friedman).

The perfect friendship is based on trustworthy relations entirely. And the trust incorporates honesty, dependency, and loyalty which are core values required to build any healthy relationships between people who care about each other (Degges-White).

The silver lining of honesty is that people can talk openly and have no personal interest in the establishment of friendliness. Friends become dependent on each other in the conventional flow of life and expect no other behaviors but support and protection.

Loyalty is the highest form of trust, and there is not even the smallest doubt that the friend is helpful and applies integrity toward every action in frames of friendship. Thus, the best friend becomes an enabler who besides enabling can encourage.

A Friend’s Duties

To become a better friend, one should perform multiple friendship duties that require a person to be an enabler who can motivate and encourage another person in different life situations.

Sometimes people can feel low or depressed because of the particular events that happen on a daily basis, so the task of the best friend is to become a personal cheerleader (Friedman).

It’s the responsibility of the best friend to remind his or her friend about their intellectual capacity and the set of skills they possess that are not yet been shown to the rest of the world and that the best is always ahead and not behind (Friedman).

The best friend never judges actions or decisions as his or her positive attitude promotes only supportive behaviors which consequently promote encouragement.

Many challenging situations can damage the confidence and self-esteem of a person, so the best friend must encourage another friend not to give up and believe in themselves no matter what as they can go through all the difficulties together.

Once the rain has stopped, a person can see whether his or her friend ran away into the building or shared the umbrella. If he or she has shared instead of hiding, both friends become able to share the joy as well.

Sharing Things Together

Best friends cannot become best friends without the ability to share mutual interests in the face of activities and the same sense of humor.

To be a better friend, one must know how to trigger the funny bone of a friend based on personal experiences and shared valuable events (Friedman).

The best friend can recognize the moment when he or she can make an appropriate joke not only to cheer up but also make a contribution to the development of friendship relationships.

It’s always good to have someone on the side who can make the mood better with simple words. But it’s also essential to have someone who knows the personal needs of a friend and can eradicate the border between the natural support and the real fun.

The interpersonal connection between two individuals is so strong that they do not need to use words to explain themselves. They know precisely what actions must be taken to increase the level of confidence in each other and what must be done to laugh their heads off.

It may look for a stranger weird to see two people laughing about the stupid joke, but this joke can carry personal meaning for those individuals and which make them best friends.

Friendship relationships are a type of relationship required to promote the best out of people and make them more confident about themselves.

It’s All About Empathy and Trust Too

To become a better friend, one should consider empathy and trust, know how to encourage a person, and be able to share the joy in mutual interests. The best friend recognizes despair and can find the right words to empathize.

This makes a person trust a friend and share his or her deepest fears and dreams. The best friend is never judgemental, and he or she would never use personal information to hurt but only to support in hard moments.

Once all troubles go away, best friends know how to make each other laugh in frames of their sustainable emotional and psychological connection.

from Feedster

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