Friday, January 17, 2020

SEO best practices for 2020 and beyond

SEO is the secret advantage that any serious business employs to get ahead of its competition. There’s extensive research done on the importance and power of using correct SEO strategies.

Among these, some yield better results than others, so we’ve done the hard work for you, extracted and list the best 8 professional SEO tips by Orange County company SEO agency.

Here we go…

1. Title tags

Limit the length of title tags to about 60 characters. Google limits TITLE tags to 512 Pixels (it no longer looks at the number of characters), but it’s hard to count pixels… 60 characters works very well.

Use numbers in the TITLE Tag. It has been proven that adding numbers to the TITLE has a positive impact on the Click Rate. Whenever there’s the opportunity, add a number to the TITLE tag. For example: “The 100 most influential blogs.”

2. Add many images

Make reading your blog posts enjoyable by incorporating as many images as possible (to cut the text and have short sentences). Create a new paragraph every 1-2 sentences to make the text very “light.”

Don’t forget to fill in the ALT attribute of your images. Google can’t read your images, so give it a chance to understand what your images are about. Write the keywords that describe your images, without over-optimizing.

3. Keywords

Use your target keyword in the first paragraph of your article. Google likes seeing the main keyword at the top of content and in general, your readers like to quickly see the keyword they’ve entered.

Also, use variations of your keyword in the H1 and H2 tags. For example, if your main keyword is “build muscle” you can use “muscle growth tips” in an H1 or H2 tag.

4. Text is king

If you are creating an article that has only videos and/or infographics, it is imperative to also give your readers a text version of it. Indeed, Google is not able to index the content of your video or infographic… it, therefore, needs a transcript in Text format.

5. Brackets

Use brackets or hooks in your TITLE tags. It has been proven that in the TOP 10 results, the one with a TITLE containing (parentheses) or


attracts the eye of the user and increases the Rate of Clicks.

6. Tutorials and How-tos

Offer your readers handy articles that clearly explain how to replicate your tips and tricks. These kinds of articles (e.g. tutorials) tend to be much more shared on social networks.

Also, remember to post long and complete content on your chosen theme. It has been proven that the longer and more detailed a blog post, the better it will be ranked. So try to produce content of at least 1000 words. For my part, it’s preferred to write tutorials of at least 2500 words.

7. Links

In your articles, add a few links (as a reference) pointing to external sites dealing with the same theme as the article and if possible high authority. Google has confirmed that this boosts the rankings.

8. Structure

Optimize the internal structure of your website to allow page authority to be transferred between pages of different levels. Always try to implement a Silo structure because it’s the best for passing ranking juice and creating a balanced website.


SEO is evolving, but so are we! Learn professional SEO tips by Orange County SEO agency, who stays up to date and always delivers winning strategies to get the best possible results.

from Feedster

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