Thursday, June 25, 2020

How Air Purifiers Can Help Us Go Back: A Molekule Review

COVID-19 has brought much of the world to a standstill. In the U.S., most states have issued stay-at-home orders, keeping only essential businesses like grocery stores open and leading many workplaces to shift to remote work and schools to adapt to online learning. As states begin to relax pandemic-related restrictions, we’ll walk you through what you need to know about reintegrating yourself into a post-COVID-19 world and how Molekule’s latest air purifier can help

Protecting Yourself From COVID-19

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recommended that we take specific actions to protect ourselves and slow the spread of COVID-19. People two years and older should use cloth face coverings when out in public to prevent the spread of the virus from the nose and mouth. Individuals are advised to maintain at least six feet of social distance when outside around others and to bear in mind that a cloth face mask is not a substitute for social distancing. Avoid going outside except for essential needs, such as pharmacy and grocery store visits. Remember to wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds, especially after coughing, sneezing, or going outside, and avoid touching your face. 

The White House has also issued guidelines for individuals, employers, and states to follow as states begin to reopen. Individuals are urged to continue following CDC guidelines to help limit the spread of the virus. Reopening plans are broken into three phases, and to move through the process, states must meet the gating criteria set for symptoms, cases, and hospitals. 

The White House has defined vulnerable individuals as elderly people and those with serious underlying health conditions, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, chronic lung disease, asthma, and otherwise compromised immune systems.

Phase one calls for vulnerable individuals to continue to shelter in place. Everyone else should limit group gatherings to fewer than 10 people, avoid nonessential travel, and maintain social distancing restrictions. Employers should continue telework when possible, return to work in phases if necessary, and close common areas to enforce social distancing rules. Businesses should limit business-related travel and consider special accommodations for employees who belong to vulnerable populations. 

Phase two recommends that all high-risk individuals continue to stay home. Everyone should continue to maintain physical distance from others when out in public, and gatherings of more than 50 people are not recommended. Employers are encouraged to continue telework when possible and continue to adhere to recommendations in phase one. 

Phase three will be possible for states that have satisfied all gating criteria a third time. This phase allows vulnerable individuals to resume public interactions while continuing to practice physical distancing. Low-risk populations should still consider minimizing time spent in crowds. Employers may resume in-office operations. 

Finally, the World Health Organization (WHO) has similar guidelines as the CDC for COVID-19 prevention, but it also recommends avoiding smoking and other activities that can weaken the lungs. Every state and county will approach reopening differently, so check your local news and government websites to determine which guidelines you should follow in your city. 

How to Prepare Your Home Against COVID-19

As recommended by the CDC, maintaining a clean home is now more critical than ever. Here are some helpful cleaning recommendations that can help keep your home safe during these times.

Find the cleaning supplies that fit your needs, and establish a cleaning routine. Be sure to focus on non-porous, high-touch areas such as chair backs, counters, tables, desks, toilets, light switches, doorknobs, fridge door handles, favorite toys, keyboards, computer mouses, and remotes. Communicate with all members of your household about the cleaning routine. 

Wear comfortable inside clothes and functional outdoor clothes, making sure to remove clothing worn outside as close to the entrance of your home as possible. Don’t sit anywhere with your outdoor clothes still on. There’s a small chance that you could bring home the virus, but this precaution will also help keep pollen, bacteria, and other pollutants from getting on your furniture. Remember to wash your hands as soon as you get home from anywhere. 

If you live with someone who is elderly or has an underlying condition, be sure that any medication they require is delivered and disinfected. Vulnerable people should exercise extra caution when interacting with items brought in from outside the home. They should also refrain from touching people who go outside. Disease transmission between family members is so common that individual households are treated as the same person in epidemiological studies. This means that avoiding hugging grandma is, in fact, keeping her safe.

If someone in your home is sick, have them use their own bathroom and dishes if possible. If this is not possible, clean and disinfect the bathroom and kitchen after they use them. Lastly, be sure that your internet is working well so you can easily connect with friends, access school or work, and stay entertained and informed of the latest news. 

How to Venture Outside in the Time of COVID-19

We’re living in unprecedented times. However, it’s important to remember that loneliness isn’t healthy, and it is far easier to catch than COVID-19. After reading about the situation in your area, consider spending time outside as safely as possible while following the necessary guidelines. 

If you want to see other people, you can meet up for hiking or biking – outdoor activities that make maintaining a physical distance of at least 6 feet easy. Leave small children at home when running errands, as they are more likely to touch things. When returning to work, employers should implement guidelines set forth by the White House to operate safely. 

How Molekule Can Help

Cleaning surfaces is an essential step in keeping your home safe, as is cleaning the air you breathe. Molekule air purifiers are designed with breakthrough Photo Electrochemical Oxidation (PECO) technology that works at the molecular level to destroy pollutants. The PECO-Filters in Molekule purifiers reduce viruses, allergens, mold spores, and other toxins in the air by destroying them. Molekule products also destroy smells and VOCs from everyday household cleaning products, making being home a more pleasant experience.

Molekule offers a variety of air purification devices, designed for different needs. The Molekule Air is designed to purify the air in rooms up to 600 square feet, while the Molekule Air Mini is intended for use in rooms of up to 250 square feet. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), after conducting a Molekule review, issued a 510(k) Class II medical device clearance to Molekule’s newest air purifier, the Air Pro RX, for use in medical settings to destroy bacteria and viruses in the air. This device provides a localized air purification solution, which is needed to help reduce the risk of exposure for people in occupied spaces.

A study conducted at a premier third party lab found that PECO technology destroyed 99.9994 percent of RNA virus MS2 on the filter within 24 hours. RNA virus MS2 is a proxy for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. The Molekule Air Pro RX (as well as all Molekule air purifiers)  meets the requirements of performance criteria in the FDA’s COVID-19 air purifier guidance for reducing the risk of exposure to SARS-CoV-2. 

Air Pro RX can be used in areas over 600 square feet, making it an excellent option for use in emergency rooms, ICUs, and other critical healthcare facilities in need of a localized air purification Solution. It’s also useful in office settings for when employees return to work, for any industry that needs proper air purification, and to maintain a low-microbe environment for retail, restaurants, event spaces, or commercial buildings. 

The COVID-19 pandemic has reshaped the way we live and work, but there are ways to protect you and your family as states begin to reopen. Along with other cleaning practices and physical distancing guidelines, Molekule air purifiers can help bring you peace of mind about the air you breathe.

from Feedster

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