Saturday, June 27, 2020

What Is Kratom? Learn What’s All the Buzz About

When you mention the word drugs, what comes to most people’s minds are the likes of cocaine, heroin, morphine, cannabis, or prescribed medicine.

The reason being these kinds are commonly known worldwide. In some countries, they are deemed illegal; if not, strict measures have been set up to control the sale and cultivation. 

Well, kratom, too, belongs to the category of drugs yet unknown to several countrymen. In the US, however, it is widespread and legal in most states. To this point, you are aware that kratom is a drug, but another, do you know what it is in its entirety?

Needless to worry, this article gives an insight into a detailed description of kratom concisely and comprehensively. You feel intrigued and thirsty for knowledge. So, without any further chit-chat, let’s grant it a shot!

What is kratom?

Kratom primarily is the evergreen tree-like plant originating from Thailand and neighboring Southeast Asian countries centuries back. While some refer to it as kratom, some know it as either ketum, Biak, kakuam, ithang, or thom.

Its main active compound is mitragynine. At low doses, kratom is a stimulant and possesses euphoric effects at high doses. identified as Mitragyna speciosa as per the scientific naming of plants.

Regarding the scientific name, it belongs to the Mitragyna genus and speciosa category of species. When you dig deeper into scientific facts, kratom is associated with the Rubiaceae family, whose members are gardenia and coffee as well. 

Kratom tree itself has a rigid, sturdy stem branching out too dark green leaves and yellow flowers. The height ranges to about 15 meters, and the tree thickness reaches over 4.5 meters breadth.

Aside from the kratom leaves exhibiting a dark green pigment, their shape is ovate-acuminate and glossy in nature. 

Kratom growth

Kratom grows in the rainforest regions of Asia and swampy areas of Africa. Its deciduous condition is brought about by climatic changes. During the dry season, leaf fall is at its peak, more of shedding for renewal.

Then in the coming rainy season, growth occurs and the tree blossoms again with new evergreen leaves

So why does it grow only in tropics and sub-tropic regions? Kratom thrives best in native land where the soil is moist, fertile, and rich in humus. The soil pH lies between 5.5 to 6.5 for massive harvests.

Hot and humid conditions favor the growth of kratom plants. They neither do well in drought nor damp places. If watered with plentiful of water, the produce lessens- very drought-sensitive.

When not grown in the indigenous regions, kratom cannot blossom in the presence of frost-like conditions.

As much as kratom sprout in the homeland, kratom cultivation in other areas is possible. However, kratom plants pose difficulty in propagating. They are propagated with hard-to-find cuttings and 100% fresh seeds; positive outcomes are meager.

It’s subject to be unyielding, and that’s why it is advisable to grow the seeds in large groups. At least you increase the chances of fetching more than one seedling. 

Fungi inhibit the growth of kratom. Good thing human beings are innovative. To curb the propagation difficulties, embracing the following ways heightens the growth of kratom:

  • Adding fungicides in small quantities to water to depopulate destructive fungi
  • Refresh the water every day for lower rates of fungi growth


A better term for types of kratom is kratom strains. Kratom exists in a variety of strains, and the variation is drawn from different places of origin. Some originated from Thailand, while others Indonesia or Malaysia.

Like different strains of cannabis, the same applies to kratom strains in that they have different effects associated with the consumption. Though, none of the kratom effects are approved by clinical tests; they are based on anecdotal reviews from people.

Thai: Thai kratom is native to Thailand. It is available in green, red, and white vein kratom. The red vein thai kratom is reported to be an excellent analgesic in cases of chronic pain.

Green and white veins are attributed to be effective stimulants and can get you high to the extent of being in a euphoric state.

Indo: the name is suggestive of its origin, Indonesia. Presently existing in red, white, and green. Indo kratom strains are said to be less effective. Generally, they are ideal for calming the body, promoting health, reducing chronic pain, and treating anxiety disorders.

Maeng da: its place of origin dates to Thailand, but Maeng da strains from Indonesia and Malaysia can be found too. Colors available are green, red, or white, of which all are long-lasting and quality kratom. Many users attest it to be very stimulating, energizing, and pain-relieving.

Bali/red vein: this strain is of Indonesian origin. It is red in color. Bali kratom is said to be the most effective pain reliever and with much synonymity to opioids.

Malaysian: the green red and white Malaysian strains are equally sedating and stimulating. They are purportedly analgesic and tend to energize and increase focus.

A Malaysian strain different in color. It is dark green. Green malay is energizing and pain-relieving at low doses and sedative at high doses.

Wrapping Up

Despite the variation in names, these strains possess a common similarity. They exist in white, red, and green vein color. Therefore, classification can be in the form of the pigments such that there are white, green, and red kratom strains.

from Feedster

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