Saturday, October 24, 2020

How Do You Deal with Stress During a Lawsuit?

In 2019, the United States Courts reported that civil lawsuit filings grew by seven percent, and cases dealing with personal injury and product liability grew by 36 percent. This means that hundreds of thousands of people are dealing with the stress of a lawsuit each day.

One of the main reasons lawsuits are so stressful is because they can often take many years to come to a resolution.

There’s often a lot of documentation, questions from attorneys, and worrying about what the outcome may be. These tips can help you manage the stress of your lawsuit as you wait for it to wind through the court system.

Relax with Calming Activities

When you are dealing with a lawsuit, you may feel guilty about treating yourself, but that can be critical to managing stress. If a massage relaxes you, schedule one that is designed to relieve stress.

Runners often say the endorphins released when they run help them relax, so you may want to consider taking a jog or even a brisk walk if you are in the middle of a personal injury lawsuit and your injuries make it difficult to run.

Try to Avoid Negative Thinking

As much as you need to take time for calming activities, you also don’t want to expose yourself to negative thinking. Try to stay away from activities that cause you stress as much as possible.

Even though it is impossible to avoid all stressful activities, if you can choose to avoid them you should do so. For example, if a friend is not supportive of the fact you filed a lawsuit, it may not be a good idea to invite them to dinner and discuss the lawsuit.

Limit Your Schedule

It is very easy to fill your schedule with plenty of activities in an effort to avoid thinking about the lawsuit. However, this can actually cause more stress as you may be burning the candle at both ends to get everything done.

The best thing to do is to deal with your stress itself and not try to hide behind a ton of activities. You also want to try to avoid excessive amounts of caffeine or nicotine as they may also worsen your stress.

Try to Rest

Getting enough sleep is critical to reducing stress. There is no question that when you are under stress, you may have difficulty sleeping. Many people suffer insomnia when they are anxious.

One way to counteract that is to try to get up and go to bed at the same time each day. This puts your body into a routine so it may be easier to fall asleep when you climb into bed.

Engage in Activity

Too often, when we are worried, we decide to withdraw from society. If you are dealing with injuries, you may be avoiding things that you used to enjoy because you are afraid you may further injure yourself or you are worried that if someone sees you having fun, it may hurt your chances in court.

The best thing to do is to talk to your doctor about what you can and cannot do. It is possible something like yoga could actually help improve your injury or you may be able to start a new hobby that will keep you occupied.

Watch your Finances

Even if your lawsuit is successful and you receive a large settlement, you want to watch your finances while you are waiting for your case’s resolution.

You definitely should not spend money you don’t have in anticipation of a big payout.

Most personal injury attorneys accept cases on a contingency basis, but if your type of lawsuit requires you to pay a retainer, such as a criminal defense case, you may benefit from a company that helps finance legal fees until your case is resolved.

Look into companies like and others to see how they can help.

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