Monday, March 8, 2021

Benefits of Cycling

There are two types of cycling these days, that is in the home on a machine that resembles bikes but have fancy gadgets and algorithms. And there is the old-fashioned kind on an old-fashioned bicycle with no gadgets, except maybe a bell and a basket.

What can compare with riding a bike down a trail lined with trees away from everything modern, even away from most humans, away from stress, listening to the ripple of a mountain stream beside our trail as it rushes to meet the sea. The prospect of lunch on the banks of some serene lake at the top of the trail is alone what occupies our minds. Our heart is still, our being peaceful as stress drains away.

Two Types of Cycling

While bicycling at home is beneficial, bicycling outside is much better, breathing the air and seeing the things that are missed when going by too fast in a car, that bicycling is grand. That is exactly why in place bicycles have pictures and videos of scenes playing as one exercise. There is no substitute for the real thing.

Riding a Bicycle for Peace

Shalom Lamm says being in nature brings us peace and settles us. Mr. Lamm is a hugely successful businessman and philanthropist who still finds time to enjoy nature, who likes to bicycle with his family in what spare time he has. Bicycling also has the benefit of bringing along the family as we ride. Bicycling is for all ages and even some who are ill. In fact, some ill can benefit from bicycling.

Riding a Bicycle for Health

There are many benefits to bicycling. First, there is our health. Bicycling helps our heart by calming and strengthening it. Bicycling requires no great muscles. It helps with weight management. And by calming our minds and removing us from stress, it soothes away depression. It helps lower cholesterol and blood sugar count.

What it doesn’t do is solve all our problems, but it helps us make decisions, one of the hardest things people have to do. Procrastination, because a decision is so hard, but riding in the open air at your own speed by your own efforts lets your subconscious work freely and a decision can be made.

In European countries, people ride bikes more and in some countries ride bikes rather than drive cars. Few of us ride a bike to work or school, even if we live only a short distance away. We ride a car, a bus, or some public transport.

Shalom Lamm would like to point out a benefit for the environment. Riding a bike instead of driving a car helps save the planet. One car will not make much difference. That is like saying one vote will not make a difference. Many will make a difference in gasoline, in needed roads, and needed repairs.

Riding a bike is free and joyous. It is for getting around the neighborhood, for going to the store. It is for joy.

The post Benefits of Cycling first appeared on Feedster.

from Feedster

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