Friday, February 22, 2019

6 Email Marketing Updates to Take Note of This Year

Emails are the best bet when it comes to engaging with the audience on a one-to-one basis. Not to mention, it drives higher ROI as opposed to other marketing campaigns.

Nonetheless, with new changes such as GDPR sweeping the industry, alongside the other changes in happening in the digital marketing space, emails will have an altogether different avatar this year.

Here, I have listed five latest trends in the email marketing space that you need to take note of to bring your email marketing campaigns up to speed.


#1. GDPR Affecting Global Email Marketing Performance

Since GDPR’s implementation, the average open rates and click-through-rates of emails have gone down. That said, email’s performance hasn’t dropped per se. It’s a reminder to businesses that they need to keep updating their email list to maintain high-quality permission-based lists. Having a permission-based list makes sure that you have only those subscribers who genuinely want to connect with you, which in turn, helps build stronger brand-customer relationships.

#2. Double Opt-In to Build Quality List 

Double opt-in in emails is not that common. But then, the fact is,  it helps build a quality list in the long run. Though it calls for an extra-step from the user’s end, it ensures your email subscription list comprises only of those users who want to engage with you.

And given that subscribers want to engage with you, double opt-in helps you create more personalized and targeted campaigns.


#3.  Coming Together of Emails and Videos  

2019 will see the rise of embedded videos in emails. So far email marketing software providers haven’t been serious about inserting videos into emails.

However, with the market looking to cash in on future innovations, email service providers have no choice but offer tools that are required by the market. The best part?  Marketers will be able to offer a more extensive variety of content. Businesses interested in creating interactive email campaigns will be seen using videos in their emails in more significant numbers.

Regardless of the benefits of video-embedded emails, businesses need to consider the audience needs beforehand and what is important to them.  You could also seek the help of top email marketing companies to help you create top-tier content for your email campaigns.  Sure, you might not get it right the first time, but you could use the lessons learned to offer better email experience the next time.


#4. Pre-headers for Mobile

Including Pre-headers in your emails will make sure that your email stands out in the Mobile inbox. Yes, with more than half of the emails getting opened on mobile devices, and with mobile inboxes swelling over with 100+ emails every day, smart pre-headers could prove to be a sure-fire way to capture the audience’s attention.


#5. Build On Your Personal Connections

If you are conscientiously building your email list, your database will consist of only those who are interested in your products or services. These people, in many ways, trust your brand and would be more than happy to hear more from you.

This year as well, you need to build on this personal connection via segmentation. Use big data to segment your audiences based on the customer type and the kind of content you have been using to interact.


#6. Automated Emails Can Be Dicey

As it turns out, automated emails help you onboard clients without much fuzz. However, the fact is, not all computerized emails work alike. It’s because some automated emails come across as spammy, which might cause negative repercussions for your company.

Automated emails may look like genuine emails in the beginning, but then, regular use of them will make them look cheap and inauthentic. For the uninitiated, automated emails are considered illegal to a degree in Canada. According to Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation it’s a violation to send an email to a person unless the person has consented to receive it.

So, instead of sending spammy emails, invest in a content strategy that makes people interested in your brand and blog and, in turn, subscribes to your emails.

Email marketing tends to deliver solid returns. But then, you need to make sure that your email messages are looked at and not overlooked. For this, you need to keep an eye on the results consistently and more importantly, be aware of trends and, most importantly, focus on engaging your customers.


Author Bio: This is Jennifer Warren, a Content Crafter for GoodFirms – a review and research platform for mobile app development, web development companies and more. The company publishes research report on a time to time basis, the latest one is on Email Marketing.

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