Friday, February 22, 2019

How to Relieve Stress by Organizing Your Workday

You rush into the office every day, determined to whittle down that stack of virtual paperwork, get more conversions, and impress everybody in the process. You’re on a mission to succeed. But somehow, all your good intentions get swept away in the chaos of your day.

The pressure builds until it feels like you can’t take it another minute. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be that way. With a little organization, you can stay on track, get more done, and feel a lot less stressed in the process.

Start with Your Surroundings

It’s hard to get it together when your environment is a chaotic mess. In fact, clutter is a huge source of stress and anxiety, both at home and in the workplace. It can make you feel overburdened, overwhelmed and incapable of getting anything done.

So, start your day by getting everything neat. Unless you’re working in a paperless office, get those papers together and make them look organized. Get rid of any items you don’t really need or enjoy having at your desk. Straighten things on the desk and in the room so everything looks clear and comfortable.

Make a Plan for the Day

Without a plan, you tend to get pushed around by every little thing or person that comes along. You feel so stressed you’re thinking of talking to a counselor at BetterHelp. Good idea. That can help you learn to deal with work pressure in healthier ways.

In the meantime, get serious about taking control of your day. Start with the main goal for the day. What is your overriding purpose today? Then, break down that big goal into smaller mini-goals. Make an actual list and check off the items as you complete them.

Be Flexible within Your Plan

Now, you can’t always control every part of your workday. Your boss might come in and demand that you change course in midstream. Even if you’re self-employed, jobs might come up that you feel you have no choice but to take. So, what can you do?

Keep your plan in mind and go back to it whenever you can. At the same time, be flexible in the order you do things. If something absolutely needs to be done that makes your plan obsolete, it’s okay. Just make a new plan and follow the same system of writing down the mini-goals and checking them off as completed.

What If the Plan Keeps Changing All Day Long?

A bit of change is a good thing. It keeps you excited and on your toes. But too much change makes your day a chaotic mess. What can you do to maintain order in your little universe? One of the most important work skills you’ll ever have is the ability to set limits and boundaries. Know when to say no, and then just say it.

Organizing your workday is a big job in itself. You have to organize not only the physical environment but the workload as well. Yet, when you make an organization a part of your daily routine, you can streamline the process to cut your stress level down to a minimum. When you do, you’ll feel healthier, happier, and much more relaxed

from Feedster

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