Monday, December 23, 2019

8 Ways In Which AI Will Transform The eLearning Industry

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the future and is slowly becoming mainstream in almost every industry. Many eLearning companies have also integrated with this exciting technology – making their platforms and courses more efficient and user-friendly. 

Every learner has different capabilities and backgrounds, making it necessary to provide them with personalized learning. Technologies like AI and ML are working in an exciting way to transform the eLearning sphere. Let us first get a brief of what AI is:

What is AI? 

In simple words, AI is the capability of machines to mimic specific human actions such as speaking, picking up objects, jumping, and more. 

The connection between AI and eLearning?

eLearning can be benefitted significantly by the use of AI. The best LMS software providers realized this and incorporated AI in their learning tools, making eLearning available and accessible to all, designing fun and personalized learning experience, increasing the speed of course delivery, and identifying gaps in courses. 

Here’s how AI will transform the eLearning industry:

  • AI Mentors – As mentioned earlier, AI can mimic human actions; one such example is mentoring and guiding learners. They will be able to assist learners 24/7 by providing them with the required information through their mobiles and laptops. 
  • Marketing Of eLearning Courses – AI will play a crucial role in targeted marketing of courses. The systems will learn from the data and identify the right audience of potential buyers. eLearning companies can then approach the selected group of learners and create courses according to their needs. It is a fact that conversion rates of highly targeted marketing campaigns are much higher than generic marketing campaigns. 
  • An Automated Grading System – A smart AI can quickly assess the assignments and test papers of learners, giving the instructors more time to concentrate on the course. This advantage can be used to identify gaps in the course, work on the feedback, and to create engaging content. 
  • Identify Gaps – AI will be able to identify gaps in your eLearning course and suggest changes accordingly. It will also be able to recommend additional courses to the learners to fill their learning gaps. 
  • Make Online Learning Platforms Smarter – Deep Learning, a subset of AI can help systems improve by learning from data. If this is incorporated into online learning platforms like Quora, the system can quickly identify spam messages, analyze the content quality, and act as an automated moderator. 
  • Personalized Learning – Do you remember how YouTube shows results that match your interest? This is an elementary level of personalization. AI in eLearning can completely personalize the learning experience, displaying only relevant parts that the learner needs to pay attention to and ignore the others (as they will waste the learner’s time). 
  • Cost Saving – AI is a process to automate all the possible processes, thus saving costs. The money saved can be used in creating better marketing campaigns, increase the efficiency of the LMS tools, hire better staff, and more. 
  • Transformation of Online Teaching – Virtual training was transformed entirely when video conferencing tools like Skype were released. They connected the whole world through a virtual platform to facilitate better knowledge sharing. Another shift came when smart classrooms came into existence, and now, one class can be connected to another classroom across the world. 

AI and similar technologies are the next big thing in the eLearning industry – with several capabilities to transform the eLearning industry again. The advancements that we see are just the beginning of a new era.


The use of AI in eLearning and other domains is still in its initial phase, and there is still a lot more to come. The benefits that AI offers are very promising to the eLearning industry, and there are complete chances of it disrupting the whole education industry soon.

from Feedster

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