Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Work Time Track and Projects: What Should You Be Tracking?

Tracking time on projects is essential for every project-based business. By using a software to do it, you can help employees increase their productivity, but also provide your clients with definitive proof of work and extremely accurate invoices.

But the thing is, there are so many work time track software options, and they have various features. Naturally, you can feel overwhelmed, like you’re supposed to monitor every piece of data the software of your choice collects.

That is completely unnecessary, and can only cause you to waste time and energy tracking useless metrics which don’t bring value to your business.

1.   Tracking Everyone’s Workload

Most work time trackers have some sort of project management tool in them (or they can integrate with one). With this option, you can create projects, assign employees to them and create tasks related to every project. Additionally, your employees can also create tasks as they work, so you can be sure no assignment went unnoticed.

Why is this important?

Well, you’ll always have a clear overview of teams working on different projects, how many projects/tasks they have, and if they’re able to take on more. Additionally, if someone is suddenly absent from the office, you’ll also know who can take over their work.

2.   Time on Tasks

Another excellent benefit of the time tracking software is its main feature – tracking time on tasks and projects. Whenever your employees start a new task, they should start the tracker on that same taks.

Why is this important?

The first reason why this is useful is that you’ll be able to track project progress at any time, without asking questions to your employees. Next up, it’s great for improving future project predictions, since you’ll have a detailed overview of how long it takes to complete each type of task on any kind of project.

Also, you can track how your employees improve overtime by comparing the time it took them to finish the same task on two different projects.

3.   Billable (and Non-Billable) Hours

Within some work time track tools, like Workpuls, you can set an hourly pay rate for every employee. However, you can also put in the billable rate you’re charging you clients per employee. Those sums are calculated automatically based on worker’s activities and you get a full report with accurate billable hours metrics.

Why is this important?

Having an accurate amount of billable hours means you’ll be able to charge your clients accordingly. On the other hand, by tracking non-billable hours as well you can work on optimizing processes which aren’t really bringing you any profits.

4.   Software Usage

Besides measuring time on projects and tasks, most time trackers also detect which apps and websites employees are using. Once you log into the dashboard, you can see which apps are most used, which aren’t, etc.

Why is this important?

Companies are spending tens of thousands of dollars per year on various software, as well as web-based apps employees are using. Given that remote work is on the rise, employers must pay for online collaboration and communication tools. Sometimes, employers keep paying for software even though workers are rarely using it, or they pay for more licences than they actually need. Which is why time tracking software is good – it shows you exactly which software is used, which isn’t, and you can easily cancel the subscriptions for the unnecessary tools, thus cutting the monthly costs.

Wrap Up

If you’re tracking time on projects, you shouldn’t be overlooking any of these four points. Their ultimate goal is to help you become more profitable and productive, so make sure you keep measuring and analyzing data on a regular basis.

from Feedster

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