Friday, April 24, 2020

How To Ensure You Have A Secure IT Services Website

Are you a budding entrepreneur? Looking to secure your website from frauds and brute attacks but you don’t know how, then look no further because the insights in this article are amazing.

If you’re a professional offering IT services via a website then this also will prove effective to you. First off, having a SSL certificate is the primary step towards securing your website.

This SSL certificate is especially useful if you have multiple websites you need covered. This is because it can cover multiple sites using just one certificate.

Let’s dive right in; here is a list of Do’s to ensure your website is full proof:

Implement a strong password policy

Using an alphanumeric string of characters to input and set passwords could prove effective especially in curbing hacking cases. Additionally, make the passwords as complex as possible because hackers tend to use highly advanced software to attack and crack login details.

In summary your password should contain uppercase and lowercase letters, numerals and at least one special character. Also should be at least 10 characters long. Set your systems this way and strive to maintain this policy.

Clean your website

Hackers look for the slightest loophole to attack and destroy, with this in mind, every app, plugin or just a skeleton database is a possible entry point for hackers.

So as the saying goes, prevention is better than cure. Always take measures to regularly clean files that are obsolete or just lying around for no reason in the website. This is a small but very effective tip.

Also office neatness is paramount, keep your workspace neat and always keep tabs on the goings on in the office to enable you be on top of everything.

Always update your software

Hackers are so good in what they do that sometimes we end up underestimating them. They can easily detect the slightest security flaw in your website and train their guns to exploit it and you will be on the losing end.

A simple practice such as updating your security software could go a long way to ensure the site is full proof. Additionally getting a Comodo SSL certificate and installing it in your site will do wonders for you. It’ll also add an extra security layer to your website so you can rest easy.

Encrypt your pages using SSL certificates

To break it down, SSL certificates encrypt the data shared between the server and the browser. This is useful because third party intruders are denied access to this flow of information.

So while setting up your website to render IT services use SSL certificate. For example, you can go with Comodo Wildcard SSL in case if you possess unlimited subdomains.

The SSL certificate allows sensitive information such as credit card and debit card information or just a client’s physical address to be kept safely.

The SSL certificate will prevent hackers from gaining access and also assure client information safety. Remember, the client comes first.

Use anti-malware software

Though this may sound a lot like a jargon, anti malware software actually works. They are so easy to use you don’t have to sweat about all the technicalities involved in setting up and utilization of the software.

They are many anti-malware software in the market, it’s overwhelming looking for the perfect one for you. They are categorized in two:

  • Paid
  • Free

Of course paid software’s are more efficient and have the ability to block ads and are often updated with many features. On the other hand, the free software is also effective and has been proven to work swiftly and effectively but with limited features.

Implement regular backups

Having a backup could be likened to a safety net in the circus. In that if the performer slips and fall they won’t be harmed.

Similarly, in the unfortunate event that you should be compromised, you have all your data kept safely that will enable you to resume operations as swiftly as humanly possible.

Essentially, a backup is a copy of your website data like content, databases and files. There are several ways of backing up your website. Here are several:

  • Use Word Press plugins – if you’re using this platform
  • Make use of backup services – this includes Sucuri or Codeguard
  • Use a web host

Lastly, always backup your data.

Look out for spammy links and comments

It’s always fun and games reading and replying to emails and comments of happy clients.

But not all comments of blogs and emails are with pure intentions, some are from bots, fake accounts and trolls who are just waiting for the opportune time for you’re to click on the link for them to attack.

So as much as you enjoy the love from happy clients always stay awake. Additionally, you can change your website’s settings so that you can manually accept and reply to comments before they are published on your site. This will provide you with the opportunity to erase any spam.

Get a good site developer

Ultimately site security falls squarely in your hands, right from conception of the idea to your first publication or in ecommerce stores, your first sale.

So get a well-qualified individual to set up your site to your specifications. Also, get a good hosting provider that will give you useful tips on how to run a website effectively.

Also, get yourself a wildcard SSL certificate that will not only safeguard your site but also optimize your site’s search engine rankings.

At last, there are endless tips to secure an IT service website and if you follow the above tips, you will create a secure environment in your IT service. Moreover, you should not ignore the importance of an SSL certificate that can take care of your website. 

from Feedster

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