Tuesday, June 23, 2020

7 Signs You Need a Recurring Cleaning Service

Most of us relent and decide to do the housework and cleaning on our own because we don’t have the budget to spend on a cleaning service.

Each time you think “I need a recurring cleaning service,” you change your mind because it’s either too expensive, or you think your house doesn’t need to be cleaned that often anyway, or you feel it’s something you can handle when you have the time.

When do you decide you actually do need a recurring cleaning service to come in and clean your house for you?

Here are seven signs to help you decide to pick up the phone and make an appointment:

You can’t keep up with life

Yes, life can get very busy, very fast. You get to work one morning to an empty inbox, but then, as the day progresses, the emails just keep coming in. You end up finishing work late, reaching home tired, and ordering takeout for the whole family.

While certain chores are done, you realize that many others are still waiting to be attended to. Laundry is piling, the dust is settling, and the weeds are growing. If you can’t keep up, get help.

You’re getting mentally stressed out

Whenever you come home, you have to deal with the issues at home- the broken swing, the garbage not thrown out, oil spills in the garage, no clean towels, windows full of streaks, and rugs that make you cough. All of this can make someone mentally stressed out. 

You just got a new baby

A new baby means a new set of routines, additional housework, and more cleaning. Why not leave the cleaning to a domestic cleaner, while you and your partner give full attention to the baby and your needs?

Your house needs deep clean

We often overlook deep clean issues such as lighting fixtures, baseboards, and appliances.

Calling on a cleaning service to help you do recurring deep cleaning means that they can prepare a rotating cleaning schedule to address the various issues in your home, ensuring that your house is in good shape.

This includes regular lawn mowing, pool cleaning, garage cleaning, carpet dusting, and so on.

You just renovated your house

While contractors should remove debris and any building residue, hiring a recurring cleaning company to come in and wipe, dust, and sweep your home just means you don’t have to do it.

Renovation work can get very dirty, very fast, and once the renovation work is over, just hire a company to come in on a certain schedule to clean out your house. You can go about your work and other tasks peacefully.

You have a family with different allergies

If you or someone in your home is sensitive to dust allergies, then hiring a cleaning service to do a professional job of cleaning really helps. You can get them to come in once a week to do a thorough cleaning of your house and outdoor spaces to reduce dust and dirt.

Professional cleaners have the equipment and tools to clean out bacteria growth, musty air, and mold from your living spaces, as well as properly disinfect the area. 

You live in an area with pests

Insects and pests are a nuisance. Some homes require consistent treatment to prevent pests and insects from causing damage. If you’re in this situation, hiring a recurring cleaning and pest control service is worthwhile.

from Feedster https://www.feedster.com/house-and-home/7-signs-you-need-a-recurring-cleaning-service/

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