Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Tips to Reduce Your Car Insurance Premium

It’s mandatory to have your car insured, but that doesn’t mean that it’s always affordable. It might feel like your insurer is trying to dig deep into your pockets, but you don’t have to put up with it! Here are a few top tips to reduce your car insurance premium.

Drive a Car That Has a Lower Theft Rate

Many drivers suspect that having a new car increases its chances of being stolen. However, according to IBC, some cars are more likely to be stolen than others. When buying a car, try to pick one that’s less likely to attract a thief’s attention.


Ask for a Discount

Very few people think to ask for a discount, but you’d be surprised how many are available. To get it, ask your insurer for a list of all its available discounts. Something as simple as your roadside assistance, teen driver’s grades, or your occupation can affect your rate.

Drive Carefully and Take an Accredited Driving Course

Your driving record is important. Tickets can affect your record for up to three years, while accidents last for six. You can save thousands of dollars simply by driving carefully and responsibly.

You can also take a driving course. If you’re trained by a professional, the chances are that you’re a safer, more responsible driver. At least, that’s how the insurance companies will see it, and they’re likely to reward you with a lower premium for your effort.

Canada Driving School

Change Your Tires Seasonally

As silly as this may sound, you can get a ‘winter tire discount’ using seasonal tires. You’re taking a safety precaution by switching out your tires, and your insurer will appreciate your effort to lower the risk of accidents. Remember to ask your insurance company for your discount!

Usage-Based Insurance

Some insurance companies have usage-based insurance available. It tracks your time on the road, travel distance, accelerating and braking habits, and more. The insurance company can’t use this information to increase your rates, but driving safely can save you up to 25 percent on your premium.

shop around for insurance

Shop Around and Compare Quotes

Whether you’re buying a new car, or renewing your insurance, don’t be afraid to shop around. You might want to stay with your current insurer because it’s convenient, or because you think switching to a new company will be more expensive.

The opposite is true, actually. Every insurance company has its own way of calculating premiums, and you might be able to get a better deal somewhere else. There’s no guarantee that you’re getting the best price from your current insurance company, and, contrary to popular belief, loyalty doesn’t equate to lower premiums.

Rates also change frequently. The only way to know if your insurer is still giving you the best price is to compare your rates with other quotes.


Are you paying more on your insurance premium than you should? It’s very possible. Hopefully, our tips have given you a few ideas to get better car insurance rates. Remember, ask for discounts, do your research, and drive carefully, and you’ll soon start saving on your insurance premium.

from Feedster

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