Monday, June 15, 2020

How To Help Your Teenager Start A Business

When you think of teenage entrepreneurs, most people think of lemonade stands or mowing lawns. But just as the Internet has provided many opportunities for adults to start a home business, so have adolescents. In fact, since growing up with digital technology, teens have been especially good at rocking a home business and investing, especially online.

Just like for adults, the best deals for teens are a bit subjective. What might be ideal for one could be a failure for another. When choosing a business, teenage entrepreneurs should take into account their talents, interests and passions, and how they can monetize them. With that said, here are some home business ideas that are ideal for teens.

Here are some home business ideas for teens, including the skills and experience needed, as well as legal issues for teen entrepreneurs that should be considered.

Local services

There is nothing wrong with getting business ideas from old school teens who provide services to the local community, and in most cases the teenager can start with little skill or experience. Instead, they will just need a willingness to learn and work hard. “I’m a big believer in the old school way of teenagers working” says teen expert Sam Miller, founder of the Parenting Teenagers Academy. “The old ways kids used to make money taught a level of resourcefulness and hard work that today’s digital world just doesn’t seem to have.”

If you want to provide your teen some of the old options in which they can start a business, here is a short list:

  • Gardening work
  • Child care
  • Operating error
  • Housekeeper (housekeeper such as cooking, cleaning, laundry)
  • House security
  • Animal care
  • Dog walk
  • Tutoring
  • Children’s party organizer
  • Handicrafts / Homemade goods

Creative teens can sell their works locally through store consignments, farmers’ markets or craft fairs. They can also sell them online on their own e-commerce site or through Etsy.

In addition, sites like Café Press or TeeSpring offer teens the opportunity to create a design for a t-shirt, mug and other items that can be sold online. This eliminates the need for home space for product creation and inventory.

Teens don’t necessarily have an A in art , but they should be able to create a quality product. Great nifty items to consider selling include:

  • Jewelry
  • Art
  • Decorated T-shirts
  • Decorated totes
  • Pillows and other home decorations
  • Decorated glasses or cups
  • Carpentry
  • Pottery
  • Soaps and spa products

Digital services

Growing up in the digital world, teens are particularly qualified to offer online services to small businesses. Although adolescents do not need a diploma or technical training , they do need experience and skills, which they have often acquired through personal use. Here are some ideas:

  • Graphic design
  • Web design and programming
  • Videographer and video editing
  • Audio editing
  • Social media management
  • Virtual support
  • Become a Star / Influence online

The internet is littered with famous teens who make money online just by being themselves. Because they have generated audience, they are able to earn money through brands and / or ad flow, and affiliate marketing. Here are some fun ways for teens to do it:

  • YouTube: Starting a video blog on YouTube is a fun way to make money from ad revenue, brand sponsors and affiliate marketing. A teenager can turn a hobby or interest into an online show. For example, many players post their video games on YouTube. Other YouTube stars sing, give advice on beauty or fashion, do comedic shows, share tips or ideas on lifestyle, give advice on exercise, and more. Or, if the video seems too complicated, podcasting is another option.
  • Instagram: Just like on YouTube, influencers of Instagram among teens tend to focus on a passion or interest, such as beauty, fashion, food, pets, or life in general. In most cases, these well-followed adolescents earn money through sponsored ads.
  • Blogging: Another great way for teens to take advantage of their interests or passions is blogging. Although teens seem to prefer visual content (i.e. video and social media), blogs are also popular and can spread to other channels of influence like YouTube and Instagram.

Other Good Ideas for Teen Home Business Entrepreneurs

Business App: Games, Job Search, Homework Help, and More! The need for apps will continue to grow and teens, who already use apps for fun and tools, are best placed to create them. Many community colleges offer application development courses, or there are books you can teach yourself.

Computer installation and repair: Most homes have at least one computer, if not more. But just because someone can search Google and buy from Amazon doesn’t mean they know how to set up their computer when they first buy it, or how to fix problems when something goes wrong. For many families, the first person asked for technical help is a teenager since technology is an integral part of their lives. Teens can take advantage of this by charging for computer technology services.

Public Speaking: Believe it or not, there is a demand for teenagers to be motivational speakers at schools and youth events. Currently, many youth speakers are over the age of 28 and while they are needed, many event and conference organizers are actually looking for speakers between the ages of 16 to 24 who will be able to connect with kids in a more genuine way.

Baking Business: Cupcakes are extremely popular now, but they’re not the only good teens who can make a profit. Cakes, cookies and bread can be baked and sold at home. Baked goods can be stored at local bakeries, shops or restaurants, or at the local farmer’s market. Depending on the article, they can also be sold online. Many states have laws that regulate the sale of food and specific rules on the sale of home baked goods, so be sure to check your state’s guidelines.

Amazon Fulfillment: Amazon Fulfillment allows teens to sell items through its store, and Amazon will inventory, take order and payment, and ship the item for the teenager. All the teenager has to do is find discounted items that can be sold at a profit, register them on Amazon, and ship them to the Amazon warehouse. There is no special skill or experience required other than the ability to find many things.

Important points to consider for adolescent entrepreneurs

It is important to know that all businesses, whether run by teenagers or not, are subject to regulations, laws and taxes. To start a home business, a teenager must do the following:

  • Start the business, including obtaining business licenses and any other permits required by the city, county, or state where the young person does business.
  • Maintain accurate financial records and pay self-employed tax.
  • In addition, some of the resources or services that teens need may require parental consent or for the parent to create the account.

Finally, like all businesses, the success of a business owned by a teenager will come from the fact that it will provide a quality product or service and that it will be able to reach a buying market. So, in addition to a good home business idea, the teenager should create a business plan and a marketing strategy.

In many ways, starting a home business is a better way for a teenager to earn more money than getting a part-time job. First, a teenager can tap into their interests, passions, and experiences to make money. Second, a business is often flexible, so it can be managed according to a school and activity schedule. Finally, many home businesses are portable, so that when the teenager grows up and goes to college or leaves home, the business can often go with him.

from Feedster

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