Monday, October 21, 2019

5 Digital Marketing Strategies for Remarkable Business Growth

Today in spite of several technological advances, digital marketing still continues to be one of the best-known strategies for growing businesses worldwide. This is because today a person spends an average of about 5 hours on the internet.

Some statistical facts

  • It has been seen that advertisements placed on social media platforms are 3 times cheaper and 3 times more effective in targeting the niche audience than print, television or radio.

  • Google statistics are even more mindboggling. As of today, about 2 trillion users post search queries on Google daily. Roughly speaking it translates into about 63,000 search queries placed in a second.

    Thus, it can be said without an iota of doubt that it is easier to convert traffic from Google than from any other forms of media advertisements.

  • Email still continues to remain the most popular channel of communication. About 91% of people check their email accounts daily with 41.9% checking it on their smartphones, 39.9% using webmail and 18.2% on their desktops.

    In fact, for every $1 spent on email marketing, the revenue generated is $38 which amply justifies capitalizing on digital marketing strategies.

  • Content is considered to be the king of the internet and companies who upload content on a regular basis generally report about 4times more web traffic than those who don’t.

Thus it is very important to adopt a good digital marketing strategy both for small and large businesses so that they are able to bring about positive changes in their bottom lines.

Cultivation of an online presence also enables businesses to establish contact with their customers online.

What is digital marketing?

Any strategy which includes an integrated plan detailing the use of search engine optimization, email marketing, social media and content promotion of business online falls under the purview of digital marketing.

But in order to be able to implement it properly, businesses need to have sufficient knowledge and expertise as well as time to create a winning digital marketing strategy.

6 Fundamentals of Digital Marketing

In order to be able to increase sales, a business needs to increase brand awareness, direct web traffic to its website and facilitate conversions. This can be done by building upon the 5 fundamentals listed below:

  • Strong social media presence: The phenomenal growth of social media has made it a key tool for digital marketing. In fact, it is one of the easiest methods wherein one click is able to make businesses reach billions of customers and build an engaged following.

    This, in turn, helps to open up a direct conversation with the target audience and also enables the business to understand what the audience wants or is interested in and caters to the same.

One way to gain visibility on social media is to collaborate with influencers and leverage their popularity.

Since it takes a long time to build a dedicated following, collaborating with influencers offers a wonderful way to increase visibility especially for start-ups and new businesses.

But in order to gain the most out of this collaboration, it is always best to find an influencer who already has access to the niche audience the business is interested in targeting.

  • Publishing a blog: It is not enough to have a following online. These followers need to be nurtured and uploading blogs relevant to the products, the industry or the business which interests them.

    Having a reputation for uploading excellent blogs is a sure way to build the reputation and brand of business online. Also providing viewers with valuable content ensures that they keep coming back, again and again.

  • Search engine optimization or SEO: This is a tool that makes a website visible to those innumerable users who come up with queries on search engines.

    With proper optimization techniques in place, SEO is perhaps one of the most effective digital marketing strategies which have a long term effect especially in generating organic and highly targeted web traffic.

    There are specialized SEO companies that could help in the optimization of the website with there well-defined search engine optimization process.

  • Creating a lead magnet: This is a free incentive in the form of either an e-book, PDF or a free download which enables businesses to capture their viewers’ contact details along with their emails.

    But a lead magnet should be such that it provides enough incentive to the viewers so that they willingly share their personal details. It goes without saying that success is inevitable when a lead magnet targeted at ideal clientele or customers is offered.

  • Email list: As stated earlier the sheer number of people who read emails every day is simply mind-boggling.

    This makes email marketing a very important aspect of any digital marketing strategy since it enables the business owner to create a sales funnel in the form of an email list.

As enumerated by the above-mentioned strategies, there is hardly any expense involved in coming up with and implementing a digital marketing strategy.

It’s just a question of coming up with good content which is tailored to suit the needs of the target audience and that enjoys good visibility in the different channels and popular online platforms.

from Feedster

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