Friday, October 25, 2019

How Off the Shelf ELearning Proves Beneficial to Your Business

Are you planning to roll out new elearning course for your organization? Are you looking for creating a custom elearning course for the same? Well, off the shelf content may just be the option you are missing out on. Sure, custom learning content does offer immense advantages, but it is important to evaluate the pros of off the shelf content before coming to a decision. Read on and make an informed decision!

Readymade facilitating instant usage

Off the shelf courses involve readymade elearning modules which require no additions to content or any further development which means that these can be used instantly upon purchase. Usually covering broad topics and categories which are universal in nature, these are of high quality and standards and take less time for preparation. 

Plethora of topics covered

With off the shelf solution, users often have access to a plethora of commonly required broad and universal topics. It is always a viable option for common and broad topic areas. All the desired information which must be imparted to the learners is a part of it, hence there’s no point reinventing or customising the topic unless there’s something specific which must be added. 

The different types of topics which are often covered under off the shelf training include team building training, compliance training, communication skills, cybersecurity training, training of commonly used applications like Microsoft Office and others alike. 

Easy implementation

While custom elearning solutions are time consuming and painstaking to implement, off the shelf solutions can be implemented quickly. Custom elearning courses have a development lead in time which is used by the developers to gather all the required content, work together, code the functionality, and build the course. However, this is not the case with off the shelf solutions. These are ready to use and implementation is done as soon as possible. 

Expect cost efficiency and better ROI 

Elearning solutions are made available to multiple customers by the developers which in turn helps spread development costs, thereby reducing the price of each individual solution. 

However, if you wish to create an elearning course specific to your organisation or focusing on a particular niche, opting for custom elearning content is the way to go as lower cost of off the shelf course which covers broad and general topics will not be significant. 

Lower cost of off the shelf elearning will generate a better return on investment for universal categories making it the most preferred solution. 

Fewer resources involved

Another advantage involved with off the shelf elearning is that it requires minimal input from your team unlike a custom-designed course which involves your team members to work closely with the elearning developer for effective creation of the course content. In situations where generic content is all you need, off the shelf elearning is what you must opt for. 

Final Word

As you witness numerous advantages of off the shelf elearning content, you must be lured to implement the same in your business. After all, cost efficiency, better ROI, fewer resources and similar benefits are not things one can easily overlook! However, you must also pay close attention to the fact that off the shelf courses, although valuable, cover only generic, and broad content. In case you need to develop a program relating to a specific topic or niche, custom elearning is the solution for you. Make sure you don’t overlook this factor when making a choice. If you are able to get a course on the topic you’re looking for, off the shelf elearning will help you save time, money and effort. Moreover, you will also be able to distribute the course to your team immediately. 

from Feedster

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