Friday, October 18, 2019

Web Development Trends 2019

Technology and innovation are changing rapidly every year, bringing in new trends. It is inevitable in such a quick-moving world. New technologies are being invented and the number is growing every year.

Everyone knows how important is to have a brilliant idea and to choose the right business domain name at the beginning. And these days when we are living surrounded by technologies- where is nothing strange to see becoming more and more popular Top-Level Domains (TLD) relate to technologies.

If you’re a website owner or an aspiring developer- you already know that despite these important first steps the biggest challenges are still waiting for you. So, If you want to develop your business successfully, you should step up your game by knowing the latest web development trends that are currently on the rise.

Why Keeping Up to Date is Important

Due to the influence of the internet, websites are now a necessity for organizations, businesses, and even individual projects. Building a brand is much faster online as anyone can come across it when searching for related topics.

Thus ranking high on SERPs is the main goal here. To help you with, you can make use of search engine optimization or in short – SEO.

If you want to dive deeper into SEO and learn how it can increase your online presence- the internet is full of articles, tutorials, and other additional information about SEO. Also, you can keep on scrolling to digest the current web development trends that can improve your website’s SEO.

7 Web Development Trends

There are many innovations when it comes to web development. Though it’s barely scratching the surface, the list below shows the popular and common ones that are currently being talked about the most.

Mobile-Friendly and Responsive Design

Mobile users are taking half of the world web traffic, so having a site that can fit into any mobile screen is an advantage. Web developers should keep that in mind when designing a website.

Ranking high on Google SERPs does not only depend on the performance of your desktop site, but also its mobile version. Visitors will want to stay longer on a website if the layout is clean and neat when opened on a mobile device.

It’s time-saving when you design and code your website to be responsive at the beginning of the development phase rather than editing it later when it’s already launched.

 Voice Search Optimization

Who hasn’t heard of Siri, Cortana, and Alexa? If you thought that they’re part of a girl group, then you have definitely missed the train. The three mentioned names are voice search assistants.

Since it’s more convenient to say what you’re searching for rather than typing it, the use of virtual voice assistants is currently on the rise.

Making the structure of your website to be voice search friendly, like adding a FAQ and using long-tailed keywords for your content, for example, can actually bring better traffic results.   

Accelerated Mobile Pages

If you’re an avid mobile user, you probably have noticed articles with a lightning bolt symbol on SERPs. It means that the website has Accelerated Mobile Pages or AMP for short.

To improve the mobile browsing experience, Google introduced AMP to encourage the development of fast-loading mobile pages.

AMP landing pages load in 0.7 seconds compared to the 22 seconds load of non-AMP websites.

Marking up your pages and implementing AMP can boost SEO and improve the ranks of your website on SERPs.  

Push Notifications

Not many people are fans of newsletter emails that fill up their inboxes. You might unintentionally drive away traffic instead of attracting it. A solution for that is by making your website send out push notifications every time there’s new content.

It’s not a feature exclusive to mobile apps anymore as readers can now get updates from their favorite sites without having to check their emails. You can take this opportunity by applying it to the website you’re developing. 

Fresh and Ambient Designs

Since tons of users are active on their phones most of the time, many developers are continuously looking for ways to make the mobile experience comfortable. One of them is by creating fresh designs that can blend and change based on the surroundings or time of day.

macOS Mojave and weather apps have practiced this technology, so it’s expected that the popularity of such ambient designs will rise. Readers will want to stay and come back for more when they come across websites that are fresh to the eyes and make them feel comfortable.

Cybersecurity Concerns

This topic will never die down as long as the internet is still widely used. Along with technology advancement, cybercrime increases as well. Hacking opportunities are growing as business transactions are done online.

Cybersecurity continuously needs to be strengthened to protect databases, servers, and sensitive data. When developing a website, this factor should always be in consideration in order to make and add the necessary solutions.   

Progressive Web Apps

Taking the quote from Alex Russel, Progressive Web Apps or PWA, are websites that have taken all the right vitamins. In other words, the sites have all the elements that are discussed above and have app-like-interactions, but you don’t have to go to an app store to install it.

Readers can save their favourite websites as apps on their mobile devices. Push notifications will pop out easily whenever there’s an update, it’s safe, can be available offline, and installing it is a click away.

It does take a lot of effort to build a PWA website as it uses Progressive App features such as Responsive Designs, Service Workers, TLS, and Manifests. However, it’s worth the try. Flipboard, AliExpress, Nasa, and many more are already using the technology.


It’s important to constantly be up to date with web development trends when creating a new site. Not only you’ll learn about user and their expectations, but you will also know which elements should be added and improved on your website.

from Feedster

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