Wednesday, November 27, 2019

CEO of Metropolitan Public Strategies, Neal Kwatra, Reveals 8 Critical Components of Personal Brand Development for Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs are challenged with establishing their own brand as opposed to resting on the laurels of an already-established company. Building your brand is much more complicated than piggybacking on one already developed by those who came before you. However, generating attention for your unique value offering is easier said than done. Below, we take a look at the essential components of personal brand development for entrepreneurs.

Develop a Brand Story

Every entrepreneur has a unique story. Furthermore, every business has its own distinctive past. Take some time to think about the trials and tribulations you and your company have been through. These nuances are the substance of your story. Keep in mind that the story you tell about yourself and your business is also the story your target audience will experience. Zero in on how you and your company have grown, the hurdles you have overcome, and your gradual evolution to generate a meaningful rapport with your target customers.

Be Highly Visible

Visibility is an absolute must for your personal brand to grow. Actively promote your business and yourself through overt and covert (inbound) marketing channels. If you are not active on such channels, it is time to become active by promoting your value offering and story. Be consistent with your self-promotion through advertising channels, social interactions, community involvement, and interviews, and it will be that much easier to get your personal brand in the spotlight.

Be Authentic

Do not attempt to promote yourself as authentic. Rather, be authentic. Authenticity results when actions and words align; be sincere, provide a legitimate value offering, and help others when possible. These actions really will make considerable headway in helping you appear authentic.

Be an Expert in Your Field

Put your expertise on display, and your personal brand will appear that much more legitimate to outsiders. Your knowledge really will keep your audience engaged and possibly even lead to recommendations. You can showcase your expertise across an array of channels ranging from social media to blogging, interviews, and public speeches.

Provide a Coveted Value Offering

Understanding your unique target audience is an essential component of building your personal brand. “If you are not providing something of considerable value for your audience’s money, attention, and time, make some changes,” commented Neal Kwatra, CEO and founder of Metropolitan Public Strategies. Communicate your value offering in a clear and compelling manner, and you will eventually be rewarded in the form of a spike in business.

Separate Yourself from the Pack

Though most of the products and services the average person needs have already been invented, it is a mistake to assume there are no new ideas remaining. Even if your approach is not highly unique, how you frame it can be quite distinct. Distinguish the nuances of your value offering from those provided by others, and people really will be more inclined to pay attention to your growing brand.

Be Consistent in the Presentation of Your Personal Brand

Be consistent in the manner in which you present your brand to the masses. Consistency will help your business emerge from the competition and prove that much more memorable. Everything from a unique logo to using the same image across all channels and nuanced color schemes will make your personal brand that much more consistent.

Encourage Customers to Leave Positive Reviews

How your brand is perceived partially hinges on what others say and write about you. If you do not have any reviews posted to the top online review directories, encourage satisfied customers to leave positive feedback. The stories these customers tell really will go a long way in shaping your personal brand.

 About Neal Kwatra

Neal Kwatra founded Metropolitan Public Strategies (MPS) in 2013 and has since been at the forefront of some of the most fiercely contested political and advocacy campaigns in New York and across the nation. Mr. Kwatra has fought to uphold his ideals with great tenacity and continues to expand the reach of MPS into the strategic management of nationally recognized grassroots and issue advocacy campaigns. 

from Feedster

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