Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Tired of Your Team’s Performance? StaffScapes Discusses 3 Ways to Challenge Employees

When employees are not effectively challenged, they lose motivation to succeed and grow in their roles in an organization. If there are no consequences for unproductive choices or rewards for good decisions, incentives to improve disappear. In this article, HR expert firm StaffScapes looks at three common-sense ways to challenge employees to grow, think, and achieve at higher levels. 

1. Develop Continuous Communication and Feedback Systems

The quickest way for people to fall into a rut is for their daily routine to become isolated and sheltered. When you lose effective communication with employees, they can drift into habits that fulfil primary job responsibilities but fall short of bringing out their best efforts and skill sets. 

Open the communication channel from your side. Many small business owners want to insulate their employees from the stress and pressure involved in ownership. However, employees typically want to know the relevant information affecting the business and react positively when they have input from leadership about the successes and the challenges involved in daily operations. 

Be thoughtful in designing and implementing communication channels from your employees directly to you. Employees appreciate feedback from ownership, and they likewise will accept the challenge when allowed to address ownership directly. Promote communication that does not focus just on complaints, but also on suggestions for improving systems and operations.

2. Grant Employees Autonomy Through Effective Delegation

When it is possible, let individual employees define how they accomplish their duties. Any employee that is worth having in your organization understands that their daily work involves certain things that have to get done correctly. Avoid micromanagement when you can by implementing methods to double-check employee productivity without constant over-the-shoulder supervision. Most employees react positively to being granted autonomy and understand that their performance is still subject to the same level of review and accountability.

Be creative and thorough in delegating special assignments. Pick employees for delegated jobs who you think will respond positively to additional responsibility. Create reasonable goals and time requirements and then be sure to provide feedback during and following delegation. Praise, when warranted, and creative criticism, when needed, will challenge employees to be creative and innovative.

3. Be Creative With Employee Advancement Opportunities and Transparent With Compensation

While employees work for a variety of reasons, their bottom line is the same as yours — they need to make enough money to meet their expenses. Additionally, employees enjoy advancement, additional responsibilities, and the perks associated with successful performance. Develop ways for valued employees to assist in assigning performance metrics that will result in advancement within your organization. Get them invested in the decision-making process of how their position within the company can grow.

Employee performance is also sure to improve when they can see direct and tangible benefits from their productivity and effort. When you understand what things an employee thinks are the most relevant to their productivity and compensation, you can direct their perceptions and energies in ways that will benefit your organization.

About StaffScapes

As a leading expert Professional Employer Organization (PEO) focusing on HR compliance, policies, and best practices, StaffScapes helps businesses in the Metro North area and throughout Colorado maximize their team members’ performance. StaffScapes develops an individualized solution for every partner company’s unique needs. StaffScapes works with all types and sizes of businesses throughout Colorado in assisting their mission by taking responsibility for HR compliance and allowing their partners to focus on their core mission.

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