Saturday, November 9, 2019

Where Do Dinosaur Model Collectors Find Their Dream Models?

It’s no secret that many people’s interest in dinosaurs stems from an early age. As a youngster, you might’ve played with small dinosaur toys from family members. And you would almost certainly have played with them with your friends, too; I know I did!

For some, interaction with toy dinosaurs as a child will have led to a life-long interest in Dinosauria!

Those early interactions with dinosaurs often lead to careers as historians and archaeologists. For others, a lifelong interest in dinosaurs might develop an entrepreneurial spark in them. Let’s face it: no-one’s going to open a dinosaur museum if they have no interest in the subject!

Scale models or full-size replicas: which ones are best?

When it comes to seeking out your dream dinosaur models, one thing is for sure. You might have an idea in your head of the size of the dinosaurs you want to obtain. 

If you don’t, you’re probably fighting a war against yourself with whether to buy scale models or full-size replicas. So, which should you be getting?

I’m afraid there isn’t a definitive answer I can give you. All I’m going to say is, “it depends.”

Okay, that’s not exactly a helpful reply, so let me expand on that answer.

Do you want to amass a collection of dinosaurs for young people that will inspire them to dream up of excellent dioramas for school projects? Or perhaps you’d like them to have some interesting dinosaurs to play with at home? In either of those cases, it makes sense to buy some scale models.

For a start, they are small. Kids can move them around with ease, and they won’t take up much space at home. When they aren’t in use, you can easily store them away for safekeeping.

There’s also the durability factor. Scale models like the ones you can buy from can stand up to all kinds of playing conditions.

Finally, you might even buy them to keep them as future collectables. As we all know, many toys appreciate in value over the years, regardless of their size.

But, what about the full-size replica dinosaur models that you can get? You know, the ones where some examples might be taller than your house!

As you can appreciate, even with the large size of some dinosaur models, there’s plenty of choices out there. Still, are they “better” to get than the small toys you might’ve played with as a child?

Let’s set the scene for you to conjure up in your mind. Imagine waking up in the morning and looking out of your bedroom window. You then get greeted with the sight of some of the world’s biggest dinosaurs in your garden!

Such a spectacular sight is one that most folks can only dream about, don’t you think? Imagine if they were also animatronic full-size replicas, like those on You’d never want to leave home – and your friends will be insanely jealous of your dinosaur collection!

The size of dinosaur models will ultimately depend on a few factors. What will you be using them for, how much have you got to spend, and how many do you want? When you know the answer to those questions, you’ll know whether scale models or full-size replicas are right for you.

Why collect dinosaur models?

Most people are reading this page because they’re keen to find out where to source good quality dinosaur models. But, you might’ve come across this page to answer one question: why collect dinosaur models?

Believe it or not, we collect them for all sorts of reasons. As young kids, we amass collections because they are fun toys. As adults, some of us want to relieve our childhoods! Even if you a parent, you might try one of those Riding T-Rex Costume for your kid’s birthday party just because you loved dinosaurs as a kid.

If you’re planning to open up a dinosaur museum in your area, you’ll obviously need some models on display. After all; who wants to visit a dinosaur museum with no life-sized replicas on display!

Of course, there are plenty of other reasons to collect dinosaur models. Not that you need an excuse to do so!

For example, some folks do so because they think those models will appreciate in value over the years. Other people may have a fascination or even an obsession with giant reptiles that once roamed the Earth.

Oh, and let’s not forget about those of us that a general interest in the prehistoric world. Or people that loved watching the Jurassic Park movies!

So, as you can see, we collect dinosaur models for all kinds of reasons.

from Feedster

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