Thursday, February 11, 2021

Benjamin Cory Harow: Prioritizing Time with Family During Covid

Benjamin Cory Harow is one of the most talented Emergency Medicine Specialists in the state of Florida. He is affiliated with West Boca Medical Center and Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center. When the pandemic struck, Harow’s work was certainly cut out for him. The hours increased, the stress intensified, and the spare time he could spend with his family became very limited. With the year taking an unexpected turn due to the deadly virus, Dr. Harow realized just how important it is to prioritize quality time with loved ones. 

As a doctor, Harow plays a very important role when it comes to sharing information to the general public about how to handle the pandemic. He has enormous amounts of pressure on his shoulders to keep civilians safe, while also being concerned about his own family. Sometimes he wishes he could take some time off to spend with his wife and children, but he is too essential to do so. For other parents out there who have the time, this is the advice he wants to share and suggest how to spend that quality time. 

  1. Cook Together

Spend quarantine by pulling out a special family recipe and sharing it with your children. Make those memories in the kitchen by sharing a nice home cooked meal together. The kids will certainly appreciate those moments once they get older.

  1. Movie Night

Dedicate a night during the weekend to pick out a favorite movie to watch. Though it seems pretty simple, it is a great way to enjoy some entertainment with the other members of your household.

  1. Board Games

Board games will never get boring. It brings out the competitiveness of the entire family. Whip out a family favorite game and spend the night laughing and competing until the best person wins. 

  1. Outdoor Activities

Whether it be playing hopscotch, jumping rope, or just swinging on a hammock. It is always nice to spend some time outside. The change of scenery can make for lasting memories down the road and there’s no limit to what activities you can entertain yourself with.

  1. Painting/Crafts

If this is not already a family hobby, bring out your creative side by trying a painting and craft night at home. Grab some supplies at your local arts and crafts store and let the family paint a nice picture for the bedroom or kitchen. It will make for some authentic pieces of art to be displayed around the house. 

With Covid disrupting so many aspects of life, families have an opportunity to deepen and strengthen their relationship with one another. In the blink of an eye, they were handed an endless amount of time they get to spend at home. The pandemic will not last forever, so it is important for families to take advantage of the time they have while it lasts. Not all families have the privilege of seeing their loved ones, like Benjamin Cory Harow. So for people that do, they should cherish how special that is.

Dr. Harow wants to remind us that over 1.1 million people have tragically lost their lives to Covid-19. Some family members did not get the chance to say goodbye to their loved ones suffering from the virus before they passed. With that in mind, civilians need to remember that there are people grieving and would do anything to get time back with the ones who passed away. So for people out there who do have the time, use it and be grateful for it. At the end of the day, you never know what could happen, so take advantage of the present and live in the moment.

The post Benjamin Cory Harow: Prioritizing Time with Family During Covid first appeared on Feedster.

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