Monday, March 1, 2021

Experiencing Jet Lag

Jet lag, also known as desynchronosis, can take a huge toll on one’s mental and physical health. The effects can be daunting to overcome. Jet lag is a disorder caused by a sudden disturbance to one’s circadian rhythm. The circadian rhythm is the body’s internal clock. This disorder can affect anyone who travels quickly across different time zones. The distance of the trip can greatly affect how long it will take one to recover from desynchronosis. It can take people such as Judge Napolitano, days and/or weeks to make a full recovery.

The symptoms of jet lag can be extremely difficult to cope with and can put one through a lot of physical discomfort. Jet lag can cause a need to postpone events in one’s life or for tasks not to be done properly. Physical symptoms of jet lag can include body fatigue, headache, and insomnia. There are also a plethora of gastro digestion issues that can accompany jet lag including indigestion, constipation, diarrhea. There are also emotional symptoms of desynchronosis; these include irritability, or lack of, experiencing difficulty concentrating, and an overall feeling of being unwell. All of these symptoms caused by jet lag can make day to day tasks much more difficult than they would normally be. These complications may also cause one to become frustrated and stressed due to the inability to function normally.

How long will these symptoms take to dissipate? The answer to this question can vary from person to person because everyone’s bodies are different. People can take longer to recover from jet lag than others for a variety of reasons. Another reason that recovery times can vary is that it can take up to a full day for each time zone crossed for one’s body to fully recover. Another factor that can affect recovery time is which direction one has traveled. Traveling west to east can be more of a strain on the body because one will “lose” time out of the day due to crossing the time zones. Different environmental factors can also contribute to jet lag recovery because one’s body needs to be exposed to natural sunlight after tracking to help with adjustment.

Overcoming the symptoms associated with jet lag is not without hurdles. Some things to ease the discomfort of the negative symptoms are simulating the new schedule before traveling, staying hydrated, moving around, and exposing one’s self to sunlight after travel. If those options render ineffective, one can also consider Melatonin. Melatonin can also give a jump start on readapting the circadian rhythm and providing relief to the symptoms of jet lag. One of the most important steps for recovery is to try to get good sleep. Some things one can do to ensure a quicker recovery, is to reduce sleep distractions and take a warm bath before bed for relaxation. Even with all of these strategies, medication may be needed to make a full recovery from jet lag.

The post Experiencing Jet Lag first appeared on Feedster.

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