Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Ideas and Tips On How To Make and Save Money Quickly

Saving money is something we could all probably be a bit better at. There are lots of things you can do that can help you not only make money but save money. Here are a few tips and ideas.

Sell things you no longer use or need

Many people have hundreds of pounds worth of unused belongings sitting right under their noses. Selling unwanted items not only makes you money but will help to declutter your home at the same time.

From old mobile phones to kids’ toys, there is money to be made. There are lots of online websites and apps you can use such as eBay, Shpock or Gumtree.

If you prefer something a bit more traditional that the whole family can get involved with, a car boot sale is a great idea and a fun day out. For old mobile phones and other devices, there are a host of technology dedicated websites who will purchase them.

All you have to do is enter the details and accept their monetary offer. Once you have sent them off the money will be in your account within a matter of days.

Check if your bills can be reduced

You can potentially save a fair bit of money by checking if your monthly bills can be reduced. One of the biggest outlays many of us encounter is our mortgage.

Switching products and/or lenders may save you thousands over the lifetime of your mortgage. Habito is the UK’s largest mortgage broker and there are a host of different mortgages compared by Habito online.

Find out what products may be available to you based on your circumstances.

When annual insurances are due, don’t automatically renew with your existing provider. You could save hundreds by switching. Shop around for the best deal.

Reduce your food bills

Changing where you shop can make an impact on your spending. Try an alternative supermarket the next time you do your weekly shop. If you are a brand shopper, try the supermarket’s own-brand products.

Many are made by the same manufacturers with different labeling. You might be surprised at how much you can save. Taking a packed lunch to work can make a big difference.

It’s estimated that most people spend an average of well over £1500 a year! Batch cooking and meal planning can reduce food bills dramatically. These can also reduce food waste and help you make healthier dietary choices.

Only buying what you need is essential if you want to save money. Whilst it may be tempting to put random things in your trolley whilst maneuvering the aisles, don’t! All those extra items can add up. 

Get paid while you shop

Cashback sites are common these days and a great way to make a few extra pounds here and there. Topcashback and Quidco, to name but a few, work with thousands of online companies.

Just log in, search for the website you intend purchasing from and make money while you spend!

from Feedster

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