Monday, December 2, 2019

Ways to Have an Unforgettable Vacation in Mexico

Fabulous Mexico has long been a sought-after vacation destination. From pristine beaches to incredible cuisine and a rich and marvelous history, Mexico has it all for any traveler in search of adventure in the modern world. If you are thinking about heading off to Mexico for a short trip or a longer stay, there are a few things to keep in mind. Taking it all in can help you get everything you want and more. It’s important to know what you’d like to see and how you plan to get it all in during your stay.

Mexican Geography

Getting your bearings can be useful. Before you leave, decide where you want to stay. Mexico is a relatively large country. It is one of the largest nations in Latin America. A traveler could devote a single trip just to exploring Baja, California or the Yucatan Peninsula. Think about what you most want to see in the time you have. Connections between parts of Mexico are inexpensive and fast. This makes it easy to get in many experiences during the course of a single trip.

Accommodations For Luxury Travel

One of the first things you’ll want to do is figure out where to stay. A resort like Casa Nikki in Playa Del Carmen is one way to appreciate all Mexico has to offer the traveler. This can make a great home base from which to explore the rest of the country. It’s also a way to get to know this land better. Many resorts feature the best of Mexican culture and help provide travelers with a chance to enjoy the world class food of this nation in person. Make sure to arrange accommodations in advance. Some seasons such as spring break are busier. In general, high season ranges roughly from Christmas until after Easter.

If luxury travel is on the list, you’ll have many options. Head for Cabo San Lucas in Baja along the beach. Cancun, the Mayan Riviera and Ixtapa and Zihuatanejo are also places just right for those looking to get away in total style and complete comfort.

A Bucket List

There are so many wonderful things to see in Mexico a traveler might take a lifetime to explore them all. Whether you’re traveling for the first time or the tenth, there are some experiences that everyone should try at least once. In general, the kinds of adventures you’ll find in Mexico can be divided up into historical, culinary, outdoor and contemporary fun.

Those who love history should make a beeline for the Yucatan. This area is home to dozens of sites where you can get to know the incredible history of this region. Kohunlich, close to the border with Belize, rises directly from the jungle as fully formed city that is no longer lost to the world.

Mexican cuisine is some of the world’s finest. Many food and drink items from Mexico are justifiably world famous. If you’ve ever drank tequila, you’ll want to head for Jalisco and the village of Tequila. This is the place to sample lots of different versions before they leave the country.

Foodies who want to find totally authentic Mexican meals should head directly for vibrant Oaxaca City. In many ways, this is the premier place to enjoy the astonishing range of cuisine in this part of the world. Sample mouthwatering chicken tinga. Try one of the vast arrays of mole sauce in a place that has brought this sauce to perfection. Casa Oaxaca is the place for a high-end meal that has lots of choices, allowing everyone in your party the perfect bite.

Nature lovers can watch in awe as butterflies in Michoacán fill the skies each year on their annual journey from Central America. If you’re planning to be in this part of the world during the fall, you can bring your camera and look up. It’s an incredible spectacle full of color and one you won’t want to miss.

The nation of Mexico is one destination that you won’t soon forget. Proper planning and knowing exactly what you want can make it happen.

from Feedster

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