Thursday, December 12, 2019

Why DoD Contractors Should Get Their Cybersecurity Assessed Immediately

There is no denying that cybersecurity is becoming a greater concern as malicious attacks  become more advanced each day. It’s especially important for businesses developing materials and products for government use to maintain cybersecurity to prevent unauthorized access to confidential data and plans. 

Further, considering the recent updates to the CMMC for DoD contractors, there is no better time for businesses to get their cybersecurity assessed with a CMMC assessment by a CMMC Consultant. There are certain regulations you must follow to stay in compliance with the CMMC, which is why implementing more robust cybersecurity now is a must.

Here are some tips to help you stay in compliance with the CMMC and get access to the resources you need to institute stronger cybersecurity measures:

What Is the CMMC?

CMMC stands for Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification. This outlines requirements for DoD contractors when it comes to maintaining sufficient levels of cybersecurity. This has been introduced by the Defense Department (DoD). They have brought forward a new verification mechanism, which is designed to make sure that adequate cybersecurity controls and processes are put in place to protect controlled unclassified information (CUI). 

The idea for the CMMC framework came about after there were a number of high-profile breaches of DoD data. This caused DoD to assess its reliance on NIST security controls as enough to thwart the evolving and increasing threats. 

The CMMC essentially works as a framework that will assess and enhance the cybersecurity posture of the DIB/Defense Industrial Base. The first version of this framework should be released next month, in January 2020, with the DoD expecting to incorporate CMMC requirements in Requests for Proposals (RFPs) from the start of June 2020. 

This means that DoD contractors have less than eight months to comply with the changes that are being introduced. Failure to comply will result in loss of contracts, so there is no time to waste when it comes to assessing your business’s current cybersecurity efforts. 

Most Common Cybersecurity Threats to Businesses Today

There are many different types of threats that businesses face today. Phishing has been a common approach for hackers and is still highly effective. This is when hackers try to gain access to your secured network by trying to get employees to click on misleading links or provide sensitive data. There were a number of high profile phishing attacks over the past year, including the case of MacEwan University to Crelan Bank, in which businesses have lost millions to malicious cyberattacks.

Malware is another common type of threat, which can often be used in conjunction with phishing. Once a hacker has gained access to your system, they will often use malware to cause damage to your systems or prevent access to data. 

The most common form of malware is ransomware, which viruses are becoming more and more advanced every day. Ransomware locks the system down once it has been opened, encrypting the device so that data is inaccessible until a specified ransom has been paid. This is one of the most damaging and sophisticated cyberthreats there is. 

Even if the ransom is paid, there have been several cases where hackers promise to unlock the system upon receipt of the funds, yet they do not, meaning the company suffers even further. Just recently, the largest private forensic provider in the United Kingdom, Eurofins, paid an undisclosed fee to regain control of its systems after a ransomware attack, showing just how detrimental these attacks can be to your business.

Why a Comprehensive Cybersecurity Plan Is Essential

Because of these advanced threats, it is imperative to make sure that you have a robust cybersecurity plan in place that is compliant with the current CMMC regulations. This plan should adapt to the continual changes that are being made to the CMMC so as not to fall out of compliance. It also needs to include constant system monitoring to ensure new threats are defended against. 

A Managed Services Provider (MSP) Can Help

There is no denying that it can be challenging to create and maintain comprehensive cybersecurity measures and to monitor your systems 24/7 for new threats. This is especially true if your business has not had to do this previously and you are still trying to make sense of the new CMMC regulations that have come into place. 

This is why it pays to partner with an experienced managed IT services company who can help you to understand and navigate the new rules and regulations that are in place. They will be able to make sure that your business is prepared for these changes so that you do not suffer any loss in business due to non-compliance. 

from Feedster

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