Friday, December 27, 2019

New and Improved Ways to Enhance Your Marketing ROI in 2020

Marketing isn’t getting any more straightforward in 2020, though more and more tools are being developed to help you manage it all. Making the most of these diverse tools and strategies will be the optimal way to enhance your ROI in 2020 and beyond.


Loading speed is becoming more and more critical when it comes to page rank in search engines. The higher you rank, the more traffic you get. Generally, the more people that are exposed to your products and services, the more chances you have to make a sale.

People are also looking for things that are faster and easier. Companies like Netflix are implementing features that allow users to speed up videos. YouTube viewers are demonstrating a preference for short videos.

You can make the most of speed when it comes to cutting your losses, too. Make informed, data-driven decisions. If one campaign is making you more money, invest in it.

If another is under-performing, cut your losses. Overall, this should help improve your ROI in 2020.


2020 is going to be a year where any given internet user will be able to find nearly any topic online, in a format they are comfortable with. The quality of that content will be what makes all the difference. 

Video content is still one of the best ways to connect in many industries, as even search engines across the board are beginning to serve video answers to popular queries for most mobile users. 

Content designed around a specific query and linked to related materials will also help businesses provide value to customers while building relationships.

Search algorithms are becoming better and better at recognizing content that answers a given question or that will be practically useful for someone that began a search with a particular term. 

AI is beginning to be able to be a viable customer service option for serving information and answering common questions. This can help fill in the gaps in an interactive way, and take the burden off of customer service personnel.

Personalization and the Cross-Sell

Marketing is about getting your product out there and making people aware of it, in the broadest sense of the word.

Demand generation marketing is about taking that general concept and narrowing it down to not only build awareness but to turn that into a demand that builds on itself.

Connecting with your audience or potential customers is key to this strategy. If you can connect in a way that leaves an impression, you can build a stronger demand.

One way to do this is to know what a given customer likes and make a meaningful recommendation.

Personalization, however, isn’t just about recommending products and services or using a client’s name. It’s about meeting a customer where they are most comfortable.

Communication tools that can bridge the gap from text to phone emails are making this easier than ever. 

Influencers and Sponsorships

Social media is beginning to add new tools for tracking engagement with influencers, brands, and the given social media audience. Further, as social media platforms age, many “followers” and “fans” are beginning to join more and more groups. 

In many cases, smaller groups may be more tight-knit and develop stronger loyalties to their influencers. To make the most of your ROI when it comes to influencer marketing in 2020, focus on how well your brand aligns with these smaller groups.

It should cost less to engage with them, and you may find out that they produce stronger results that larger groups with more diverse interests.

Keeping with that theme, developing the online brand of your business, by showing what causes you have aligned with, can help people empathize. This may help boost organic traffic and recommendations as well as build up the community aspect of your business and brand. 

Informed Price Management and Product Development

Price management that is informed by data collection and analysis can improve margins by 5 percent in a year, according to a recent Deloitte report

Many companies simply don’t have the data-collection infrastructure in place to provide a complete picture of how price affects their business.

Price changes are central to the entire product portfolio, customer choice, and how the price can change depending on various factors in the production channel.

With better, more transparent data collection, it’s possible to price products in a way that encourages customers to purchase more in situations where they would have otherwise not purchased at all. 

from Feedster

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