Monday, February 24, 2020

5 Ways You Can Benefit From An Email Drip Campaign

Go to just about any website today and you’ll be presented with a popup encouraging you to join the mailing list. While this may be irritating to some, there is a reason so many companies do it. It works.

Regular newsletters and email campaigns are hugely successful in converting leads into sales or making first-time visitors into regulars.

They’re a huge part of any content creation strategy and without them, you’re not optimizing your reach.

One particularly effective kind of campaign is the email drip campaign. If you don’t know what this is and haven’t used this strategy, think of the times you’ve received email marketing at just the right moment.

You used an app consistently for over a month, or you clicked on a link on a website. Think about how Airbnb sends you emails about a location after you search for it, or how Headspace emails you after you’ve completed a course.

Drip email marketing uses an automated process to send emails to contacts at relevant times. It is extremely effective, with an 80% higher open rate than on regular single sends, and contacts are three times more likely to click through to a link.

If you’re wondering how you can make the most of an email drip campaign, try the following five strategies.

1. Use it to boost engagement

Brand loyalty is a real and quantifiable thing, and it is crucial that you build it and take advantage of it. One of the best ways of getting loyal customers is by boosting engagement.

Show contacts that this is not a one-way street. They are not simply paying you and getting a product, but you are continuing to engage with them as well.

Drip campaigns are very effective when they follow a customer’s purchase or first use of a product. Your campaign can provide them tips on how to get the most out of the product, and give them an outlet to provide feedback or ask questions.

As they use the product more and more, you can increasingly engage with them, giving them a great customer experience.

2. Move them along in their process

Every potential customer moves at their own pace. Some people buy things on impulse, while others take ages to decide whether to make a purchase. There are many factors at play, including the lead’s financial realities and their risk aversion.

The good news is that once they’ve initiated contact by providing their email address, you can track where they are in their process.

If they’re clicking on a lot of links on your site but haven’t yet committed to a download or purchase, you can tell that they’re interested but are looking for a final selling point.

If they’ve made a purchase and are using your app or visiting the site regularly, they may be willing to subscribe for longer or buy other products and features.

With an email drip campaign, you can automate emails to send at exactly the right moment to move them along in their process.

This may be extra information on attractive features, or how additional products or subscriptions may benefit them. This may be an offer of a big discount if they subscribe for a longer period, coming towards the end of their current membership.

Being a part of their process is the best way to influence them and convert leads.

3. Re-engage

A number of your leads will disappear immediately or after a period of time. They may forget about you or never come to a decision on whether they really want to commit.

If a lead hasn’t engaged in a fixed amount of time, having your email campaign re-engage with them using relevant content may be the perfect strategy to get them back.

This may be as simple as telling them you miss them, or as complex as finding ways to sell them on features they may not have noticed the first time around. Re-engage them and see where you get. At worst, they unsubscribe.

4. Brand Awareness

The worst possible reality for your brand is to become anonymous. If people can’t remember your company’s name or are blank when they hear you mentioned, you’re in trouble.

Email drip campaigns can be an effective way to rebuild brand awareness. While you won’t necessarily convert every lead, you at least get them to remember your name.

This may be helpful even if they never open the email. At least they will have you in mind for when they do decide they need your product or service. And if someone asks them for a recommendation, your name might come up.

Keep brand awareness at a maximum by sending regular emails, even to those leads that you are never going to convert.

5. Abandoned carts

Sometimes, a lead will put your product in their cart, only to leave it there indefinitely. They either decide they don’t want your product or never come to a decision.

However, the fact that it’s in their cart means they’re still a prospect. All you need to do is remind them of it.

You may point out that they forgot to check out, or ask them if they need more help deciding. At this point, they may remove your item from their cart, or they may finish off the process.

It’s definitely worth the push. Email drip campaigns are highly effective at re-engaging leads and converting them. They should definitely b

from Feedster

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