Saturday, February 29, 2020


CBD has taken the world by storm. It is being called a miracle drug by many within the industry and, while there are certainly disputes as to the name “miracle drug”, it is certainly making a substantial impact.

CBD has been proven to have a wide array of health benefits. CBD has become one of the most popular medicinal treatments in recent years and companies are springing up left and right. This should not be a surprise given the proven effects that CBD has and its relatively new status in the medical world.

For those who own CBD companies in particular, it can be important to know how to best reach what is still a new, but growing audience. There are a few things to consider when working on CBD advertising and CBD marketing. It might not be as simple as you would think.

CBD Advertising and Marketing

One thing to keep in mind if you are the owner of a CBD-related business is how to properly market and advertise. This avenue is not quite as easy as it might be for other industries for one important reason. That reason is because it is illegal to advertise on giant platforms like Google and Facebook.

Those two entities alone have such a massive, global reach that taking them off of the table for advertising and marketing can make a monumental difference in the overall audience that can be reached. 

When purchasing ads through Google and Facebook, you pay for the opportunity to reach an audience in the hundreds of millions (Facebook) and billions (Google). That is a huge swath of eyeballs that would see your product if it were acceptable to advertise CBD products through those mediums.

There are workarounds

If you are panicking because of that statement, there are ways to still successfully use CBD Advertising and CBD Marketing. The key is to be smart with your dollars, know your audience, and know who you are targeting.

Working towards your core audience is important. Taking out ad space with online purveyors is important to connecting with your core target audience. This will help to strengthen your relationship with the community that you are serving and to develop your company’s reputation in the industry.

The second is that, just because you can’t purchase Google ads, that does not mean Google is off the table. The simple fact of the matter is that you need to make your website as search friendly as possible. Instead of advertising directly with Google, you can work diligently to improve your Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

By improving your SEO rankings, you are more likely to appear on the first page of any related Google search results. This is massive because you are still able to be seen through the world’s largest search engine and you will have a dedicated customer sect that is already looking for your product. It’s a win-win that does not require additional spending.

CBD Advertising and CBD Marketing have a few hang-ups, but there are certainly effective ways to make your product known in the digital landscape.

from Feedster

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