Thursday, March 19, 2020

Bamboo Toilet Paper: Everything you Need to Know

Bamboo is a plant used for a wide range of products. There are over 1,000 different species of bamboo, which is technically considered to be a grass and not a tree. Bamboo is renowned for its eco-friendly properties, and can produce 35% more oxygen than trees. It’s strong and lightweight and can be used from anything from buildings to food sources. When used as a building material it’s strengths can match steel. When used for fabrics and household products bamboo can be manufactured into a super soft material by soaking it in special solutions and grinding it into a soft pulp.

Eco Friendly

Bamboo is very eco friendly and good for the environment. Bamboo toilet paper is one of the best ways an individual can make a positive impact on the environment without compromising daily comfort. From switching to reusable bags and metal straws, a push to reduce the use of plastic and paper items is on the rise. Bamboo toilet paper can help cut back on deforestation and create a more eco friendly household. 

Regular toilet paper is made from trees like maple and oak, and can account for a lot of deforestation world wide. One adult tree can produce about 100 lbs of toilet paper, and average Americans use about 37,000 rolls daily. Maple and Oak trees grow slowly, taking 20 to 30 years to reach maturity.  Bamboo can grow much quicker, reaching 80 feet in five weeks. The faster growth makes a much more sustainable option and can protect deforestation of old growth forests. 


With the popularity of bamboo products such as toilet paper, new companies are offering easy solutions to get bamboo toilet paper to your front door. Many new companies are offering product delivery services monthly or bi-weekly. It’s easy for customers to pick products online and choose how often you would like it sent to your doorstep. 

Many of these companies working with bamboo create more than just toilet paper. Bamboo is a very versatile material to work with so it can be made into soft products like toilet paper, facial tissue, and paper towels, but also into toothbrushes and hair brushes. Each product created can be shipped to the consumers doorstep and help to eliminate plastic and paper products is a sustainable way. 


Using products like bamboo toilet paper can help reduce the impact humans have on climate change and pollution. Bamboo is a renewable material, meaning it cannot be pleased as long as it continues to be planted, and it’s quick growth rate helps make it a superpower in the fight to help the environment. Many bamboo products also don’t require fertilizers or pesticides to grow. 

Once cut down near the root, the plant will not die but continue to grow up from the stump, requiring no re-planting processes. Bamboo consumes more carbon dioxide than most other trees on earth, acting like giant natural air filters for the toxins and emissions produced by vehicles and manufacturing. Bamboo has topped the charts to become one of the worlds best green resources, and is being sold worldwide to help reduce the earth’s carbon footprint. 

Soft and strong

The thought of toilet paper being made of bamboo may not seem like it’s a very comfortable product to use on one’s skin, but consumers use skin and bathroom made of trees daily without giving it any second thought. Bamboo products are not only soft but they are incredibly strong, some bamboo paper towels can even be washed and rested up to 20 times before being disposed. Bamboo has antimicrobial properties, which means it kills and stops the growth of harmful microorganisms. These properties not only make bamboo toilet paper equal to their tree toilet paper computer but bamboo toilet paper reigns far superior.

from Feedster

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