Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Everything You Need to Know Before Buying a Truck

Look, trucks can be confusing, no one’s denying that. And buying one? Well, that’s even more confusing. There are so many types of trucks, and they all bring different things to the table. Just look at pickup trucks and eighteen-wheelers – they are very, very different, yet both are classified as trucks. So, if you’re considering buying a truck but you’re not sure where to start and what you need to know, you’ve come to the right place. In this post, we’ll be discussing all of the most important things you need to know and consider before you make the leap and buy a truck.

What will you use the truck for?

Are you planning on using the truck as your main vehicle for transportation? Do you just want to drive something bigger than your average car? Are you going to be using it on a daily basis or just now and then? Will you be using it for business or personal use? These are only some of the questions you need to ask yourself in order to narrow down which truck is ideal for you. Without knowing what you’ll be using the truck for, you can’t really do much. This is the first step if you want to buy a truck.

Types of trucks

As mentioned, there seem to be endless types of trucks out there, so how on earth can you be expected which type to choose? A long-haul truck, an international semi-truck, a pickup truck? Well, if you’ve decided on what your truck will be used for, this should be slightly easier, since that decision will eliminate a lot of types of trucks. From here, personal preference comes into play. So, the best way to determine which type of truck is best for you, is to test drive a bunch of different makes and models until you find the right fit.


Unfortunately, trucks are on the more expensive end when it comes to different vehicles. This makes sense – after all, trucks are bigger and more complicated than a normal car. From actually buying the truck, to insurance, to maintenance and repairs . . . you need to be prepared for the financial commitment that a truck requires. Of course, as with any other vehicle, prices vary depending on model, make, size, and age, so you might be lucky enough to grab one up without breaking your bank account. It’s still a good idea to set up a budget before you start looking.

Safety risks

We all know that, as far as vehicles go, trucks are on the bigger and heavier end of things. This means that it’s much easier to lose control of a truck, especially if you’re not used to handling such a big vehicle. Truck accidents can also be much more severe due to the damage cause by a truck’s size. To successfully drive a truck, concentration is a key factor. Inexperienced drivers may struggle much more with the responsibility of safely steering a truck. If your truck will be used for businesses and driven by an employee, you need to be sure that they are aware of the most common workplace accidents associated with truck drivers, as well as which precautions they can take in order to prevent them.


Depending on where you are located and what type of truck you’ll be driving, you may need to get a new license. Driving a truck can be quite the challenge, which is why truck drivers often need a special license allowing them to drive heavy duty vehicles. While this may be an inconvenience for some, it’s definitely worth it, especially in the long run, since you’ll likely have to take a few lessons, which will equip you with the knowledge to properly and safely steer a truck.

Manual vs. automatic

It’s the age-old debate that has been a hot topic among car owners, and it’s also an important question to consider when buying a truck: should you get a manual or automatic? Both have their pros and cons, and in the end, it comes down to a matter of personal preference and driving skills. If you’re doubting which option is best, test drive both to see what is more comfortable for you. Automatics are definitely easier to drive, but manuals offer you extra control, which is ideal when it comes to bigger vehicles.

Repair costs

If you’re considering buying a truck, you’re likely more than aware of the fact that any future repairs will put you back a pretty penny. But what you may not know, is that certain brands of trucks may cost more to repair. Similarly to cars, more famous brands of trucks cost more, but so do their repairs, especially if their parts need to imported. This means that when you’re researching the cost of buying a specific truck, you also need to research what the repairs will cost you. 

Engine size and power

If you just want a truck for every day or personal use, you can get away with a smaller truck that has a smaller, less powerful engine. However, if you need a big truck for a specific reason – such as long-distance highway drives, or transporting heavy goods – the engine will be playing a much bigger role. The heavier the truck and its load, the stronger it needs to be, especially when it needs to be able to easily drive up steep hills. Most trucks use diesel engines in order to be able to achieve this feat. You can learn more about diesel engines here.


 As with any new investment, insurance is vital in order to protect you from potential financial loss. Research where you’ll be able to get the best deal on insurance for your truck. Speak to truck dealers or friends who own trucks to get a few recommendations. Truck insurance is definitely expensive, but it will be much more expensive to repair or replace your truck without insurance, so it’s best to bite the bullet and insure your truck.

The post Everything You Need to Know Before Buying a Truck first appeared on Feedster.

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