Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Motivational Books For The New Year

Motivation is something that makes one think anything worth it is achievable. Worth it, yeah, think about those words for a moment. Entrepreneurs like Shalom Lamm enjoy keeping themselves motivated by reading. If something is worth it, well, worth what, the hard work, the stress, the blood, sweat and tears, then that is probably all the motivation one would need to accomplish that thing that is so desired and or needed. When that worth factor is missing then the inspiration would not be there. But, again, motivation can make one dream the impossible and make it seem achievable no matter what. Sometimes a little help is needed in getting motivated even if it is simply worth it. One way to get motivated is by reading. Reading something that is geared towards motivating one into a leadership role. Moreover, not just motivating but inspiring, one to get moving towards that goal that seems unachievable but on the other hand it is very achievable when inspired and motivated. Reading a good book can motivate one to succeed in reaching that impossible goal. A good motivational book can be that one tool to help one make life-change miracles. A motivational book will point out the fact that there are factors that motivates one and those factors can be external and internal things in one’s life. However, it is the internal motivations that are far more superior when achieving the impossible. To understand the external factor, let’s give an example. 

If a person is naturally quiet and somewhat an introvert, then reading a book about how to attend and what to do at a networking event may not help motivate or inspire that person at all. This is why knowing one’s strengths and weaknesses is very important so one can step into a leadership role. Being self aware is very important when searching out and looking for a good read to motivate. Here, one can find a mention of some books that are considered to be the best motivational books to read.

The Power of Positive Thinking by Dr Norman Vincent Peale is by far a must read to get motivated. This book is powerful within itself and will motivate one to not only dream by see the impossible until that goal and target is real and materialized.

The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon by Brad Stone is a book for those out there who want to get motivated to achieve their financial goals mostly. However, it can be read for anything to get motivated no matter what the goal. This book points out how Jeff Bezos ambitious dream came into reality. It will motivate one to see that anything is actually possible.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change by Steven Covey is a motivational book that many say is the gold standard in reference to books about getting motivated and being productive. Another book that Shalom Lamm likes is, The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles by Steven Pressfield has been called the bible of getting motivated for those out there who are the creative types.

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