Friday, December 11, 2020

How to Add Non-Team Members on Microsoft Teams

Are you using Microsoft Teams in your business model? If so, you could be interested in adding guests to your group. Adding in non-team members will provide numerous key benefits for your business, and it’s not too complicated of a process. 

Connecting With Non-Team Members Of Microsoft Teams 

To complete this process, the owner or Microsoft 365 admin must add a guest to the team. The guest must have a Microsoft 365 work or school account. If not, they will be directed to create one. 

To add a guest, select ‘Teams’ and then access your team list.

Select ‘More Options’ and then ‘Add Member.’ 

You must then enter the guest’s email address. Anyone with a business or consumer email accounts such as Gmail, Outlook or any others will be able to join your team as a guest. However, if you get the message ‘we didn’t find any matches’ error, the organization does not allow guests. 

You can then add your guest’s name by selecting ‘Edit guest information.’ Choose the name now because later on requires the support of an IT admin. 

You can then click ‘Add.’ The guest will be sent a welcome email that they need to accept. This will allow them to authenticate directly. Other users will be sent a one time authorization passcode where necessary. 

Setting Guest Permissions 

It’s important to be aware that guests do have fewer capabilities than typical team members, but there are still a lot of options for what they can do within the channel. As the team owner, you will be able to set permissions. 

You can do this by clicking ‘Manage teams,’ ‘settings’ and then ‘guest permissions.’ You can then check any permissions and give your guests permission to delete, create or update channels. 


Once the guest has joined the team, they will be able to participate in teams and channels. They can access files, respond to messages, participate in chats, collaborate on docs and join meetings. 

This provides tremendous benefits for your business. There will be a massive increase in both collaboration and communication with these guests. Rather than using multiple communication tools, you will be able to keep everything on the same system. 

You will be able to collaborate on docs at the same time, even if the external guests aren’t licensed for Teams. This provides a flexible solution when you are working on different projects. 

Tasks can be delegated and assigned, ensuring that everyone remains on the same page throughout the duration of a project. You will even be able to see the availability of your guests for important business events such as team meetings. 

You can also use this system to remain compliant with cybersecurity regulations. By connecting with guests through Microsoft Teams, you can ensure that everyone can access the same information, including key documents, in a closed system. If you need help, an IT company in Norwalk can help your business get Teams and guest access set up.

We hope this helps you understand how to add guests to your Microsoft Team and why this could be a tremendous benefit for any business owner.

The post How to Add Non-Team Members on Microsoft Teams first appeared on Feedster.

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