Monday, February 3, 2020

7 Tips to Write a Website Copy that Really Converts

Copy is designed to sell things to the audience, so it needs to be compelling by definition. Good copy content is able to fascinate the audience and push them to follow the CTA (call-to-action). It draws their attention and presents a solution to their problems. If you want to write great quality content that really converts the audience, then here are seven tips to help you do just that.

1. Understand the Target Audience

Marketers are sort of like fishermen for people. They understand their audience. They know them and they learn as much about them as possible. Understanding the prospect makes it much easier to make them an offer they can’t refuse through the copy.

In order to understand your audience and their problems – which will give you an idea of what benefits to offer them – you should answer some questions about them. Understand their backgrounds, their challenges and goals, how they like to shop, and anything else about them that you can. It’s called their “buyer persona”. Creating one of these will give you plenty of valuable insight into the customer that you can then leverage to draw their attention and ultimately convert them.

2. Take Advantage of Basic Psychology

One of the easiest ways to convert prospects is to use some basic psychology. The psychology of exclusivity in particular is an effective tool. The goal is to make the prospect feel important and special. Make them feel like they were chosen to receive the offer, whether it be deliberately (hand-picked) or indirectly (randomly selected). While you do have to isolate your prospect, there are positive ways to go around it.

If you look at Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs you’ll see that self-esteem is right near the top. People need to feel important, and that’s something that marketers have been using to their advantage for years now. Even the army does it. Just look at the tagline for the United States Marines. It’s “The few. The proud.” Wouldn’t you want to be part of such an exclusive club?

While Google+ ultimately proved to be a failure, the marketing campaign was not. Google launched a soft beta for the service in which only a select few users were given the power to create a profile. The marketing team wanted to compel people to want to make a profile and it worked. It just didn’t last. That’s another important rule; follow up with a good product!

3. Tug on Their Heartstrings

You’d be surprised by how little people care about the features of the product or service you are trying to sell them. These features appeal to the logical brain of a prospect. Who buys something based on logic? Purchases are generally based on emotions. The best commercials are the ones that make us feel things.

A good example of this is the “Real Beauty” campaign by Dove. The campaign empowered women by telling them that they were so much more than their makeup. It resonated with them and was a viral marketing campaign before such a concept even existed. The campaign also helped guide new social ideas and perspectives and encouraged women to be happy with who they were, which is also a great thing worth celebrating.

4. Understand Your Objective Before Starting a Campaign

You need to understand your goals and objectives – outside of just selling products and services. What is the real objective that you want from the copy? Perhaps you are introducing prospects to a new business? Maybe you’re presenting new products or welcoming a new audience? You could be discussing an upcoming sale. There are lots of things that copy is designed to convey.

No matter what message you are trying to spread, make sure you understand the objective before starting. You only need to take a few quick bullet notes. Take note of what you want to achieve with the copy and whatever it is that you’re selling. There’s more to copy than physical sales too. Perhaps you’re just trying to lay a foundation of trust. Always understand your objectives and create something that works towards them.

5. Avoid Using “Weasel Words”

A weasel word is a word that gives you some plausible deniability. They are used a lot by politicians who want to avoid definitive statements. They’re also used by copywriters a lot too. A good example is suggesting that a product “reduces” or “fights” something. This gives a company out of being able to say that they never guaranteed anything. Just because something “reduces” something doesn’t mean that it eliminates it.

As Wendy Sullivan, essay writer at LegitWritingServices writes: “The problem with giving yourself an out like this is that it makes the content seem weak. You want to have strong content that really resonates with people and converts them.”

You want to reassure people that your products and services can work for them. Avoid weasel words to make your content stronger and more authoritative (not to mention compelling).

6. Create a Sense of Urgency – Use FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)

Nobody wants to move when they are comfortable. Who wants to get out of bed in the morning? You do it because you have to. The same concept applies to being comfortable mentally as well as physically. If people believe that the offer will always be waiting for them then they aren’t likely to act on it. They’ll give it some time and sleep on it and assess their options. Once they’ve done all that – if they do all that – they might not even go through with the purchase after all.

Be sure to create some urgency with your copy. Set a deadline or at least use time-sensitive language by telling people it is their “last chance” and that the deal “won’t last forever”. Scarcity is another way to do this. Tell people that supplies are limited and see what a difference it makes. Make people uncomfortable and push them to act.

7. Create a Tailored Call To Action (CTA)

If you want something in life you have to ask for it. Whether it’s extra fries, specific change, or for someone to buy your products and services. The worst thing someone can do is say “no.” The call-to-action for your copy is the single most compelling element of what you write. It can make or break the entire process.

Having a simple “click now” is one of the worst things you can do. It’s a generic message that doesn’t always apply to the situation. Make the CTA more potent and creative and tailor it to the situation. Play to the audience with the CTA. Make it relevant to the content and the product or service being sold to.

If you know that your audience likes to try things before, they buy then tell them to start their free trial. If you know that they are curious people then tell them to see how something works. Look at your buyer persona and create a compelling call to action.

Set Realistic Expectations

Unfortunately, you aren’t going to be able to convert every single person. A 100% conversion rate would be the ideal, but it’s just not going to happen. Don’t be too down about that though. Copywriting is a skill and it takes practice to learn and master. Failure is an important part of the process. Don’t worry if you fail. Learn from it and try again next time.

These tips should help you to create compelling copy that converts. Before you know it you’ll know intuitively what does and doesn’t work and you’ll be converting people on cue. So keep at it, and see where you end up.

from Feedster

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